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How to measure a LearnedDistribution?

I would like to measure the qualities of a LearnedDistribution in general and with regard to test sets. The docs say that it takes an option ValidationSet, but ...
user5601's user avatar
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How to calculate a PDF of a neural network output?

I have to find the probability density function of the output of an internal layer in a neural network. I wanted to do it using NetMeasurements adding a layer like <...
user40532's user avatar
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Can LearnDistribution learn conditionality?

I would like to apply LearnDistribution to multivariate conditional distributions. Here's a simple artificial example: ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Is there any way to compile and export LearnedDistribution?

I use the LearnDistribution function to learn the distribution of some data. Then, I want to export some code to sample from that learned distribution. I tried to use Compile as follows ...
sepehr78's user avatar
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Can LearnDistribution Train and Generate Images Without Defaulting To 256x256?

In spite of anything I try it seems the ConformImages[] function nested in the LearnDistribution[] function resizes images to 256x256. If I convert an image into its "Data" representation before ...
agibilium's user avatar
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Using GPU Computation in LearnDistribution

LearnDistribution has an option for RealNVP, which is directly training a neural network for the distribution. It also has an option for TargetDevice, however, it appears to do nothing. Take the ...
Nico A's user avatar
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Creating a prediction/distribution based on several years of data

So I have several years of data from a survey. For each year I've used FindDistribution and Predict to see if I can fit the data. Here's one example Where I used FindDistribution to get ...
Illari's user avatar
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CDF of probability from a ClassifierFunction

I have a classifier function that classifies whether a student is likely to succeed in a course given their score on a placement test. From this, I am pulling both the probability of being successful ...
kgrafton's user avatar
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