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9 votes
2 answers

The time-like geodesics (orbits) in the Schwarzschild spacetime

I am trying to plot Schwarzschild's orbit without invoking the geodesic equation. As a reference I am using Chandrasekhar's Book (The Mathematical theory of Black Holes, Oxford University Press). In ...
ricci1729's user avatar
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Prove an identity in quantum harmonic oscillator

Problem: In the context of quantum harmonic oscillator the eigenfunctions are given by: $ u_n(x) = (N_n/\sqrt{b}) H_n(x/b) \exp\left[-x^2/(2b^2)\right] $, where $N_n$ is the normalization factor: $ ...
stathisk's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

A fraught with incorrect results ODE

I mean the following ODE $$y''(x)+y'(x)=\exp (-2 x) y(x)^3.$$ Trying to solve it in version 13.1 on Windows 10 by ...
user64494's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

DSolve: unable to solve the conditions

I have a second order differential equation with $2$ boundary conditions and want to use the following code to solve it: ...
Luke's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Solving third order DE from fluid dynamics

I am trying to use DSolve to solve a differential equation from G. Batchelor: An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics, eq. 5.12.4: [...] equation now reduces to $$\boxed{...
simon's user avatar
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3 answers

Constant curvature surfaces. Revolution of the graphs of solutions to a nonlinear differential equation

I have the following differential equation: $$\pi\cdot\text{y}(x)^2=\sqrt{1+\text{y}'(x)^2}\tag1$$ With the initial condition $\text{y}(0)=1$. Now, I want to plot the solution in order to obtain the ...
Jan Eerland's user avatar
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Verification of a general solution to d'Alembert equation

I solved a nonlinear differential equation (d'Alembert one) by hand. Mathematica gives the same answer. But I am not able to get Mathematica to verify the solution due to branch cuts. Any one knows of ...
Nasser's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

I want to find differential of spherical besssel function at r=0 [closed]

I want to find an differential of a spherical Bessel function at r=0. This is my reduced radial wave wavefunction. u(r) = c*r*SphericalBesselJ[0, (b*r)/L] c,b are ...
Anshul Bokade's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Optimization of ODE with respect to the initial condition

One has a (system) of ODEs with a one-parameter family of initial conditions. For example, ...
user110373's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to verify the ODE for Airy function with Mathematica?

I believe that the function AiryAi[x] satisfies the ODE y''[x]-x*y[x]==0 (see Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Wiki and Weisstein,...
user64494's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Unpacking a Mathematica expression returned by DSolve

I was trying to solve a system of differential equations in Mathematica and had troubles understanding what the solution looked like. So I wanted help to unpack it. I had a system of two coupled ...
Kshitij Gupta's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Problem solving Third order non-linear differential equation in Mathematica

I am trying to find an analytical solution of the following 3rd order non-linear differential equation in Mathematica: $a (f'(x))^2+f'''(x)=0$ with boundary conditions $f(0)=0$, $f'(0)=0$, $f(1)=1$, $...
Georgios Pasias's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Finding value of a function at limit zero

I want to evaluate the below function at limit zero. I tried with a function which has double differentiation for which it is giving me a finite value. For triple differentiation it is consistently ...
Anshul Bokade's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

EllipticF reduction

Is it possible to reduce the following Z to Legendre form Elliptic integral of the First kind? $$ \int \dfrac {\sec u\; du } {\sqrt{ (1- {(\nu \tan u)}^2 }} ..(1*)$$ With ...
Narasimham's user avatar
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Plugging the result of DSolve into the D.E does not yield zero

I am solving the following D.E ...
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-1 votes
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spherical bessel function derivative

i want to evaluate differentiation of spherical Bessel function at r = 0 but i am not able to get a value for it. Any kind of help is appreciated ...
Anshul Bokade's user avatar