Linked Questions

3 votes
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How do I keep my Animate running at high resolution? [duplicate]

I'm building an Animate where I have a 3D plot with some of its parameters changing: ...
Aron's user avatar
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Want Manipulate to be low resolution enough to render fast but no so low resolution that it is useless [duplicate]

When using Manipulate to graph a simple surface (sum of 2 sine waves) with Plot3D, setting PerformanceGoal->"Quality" makes it take about 1/3 second to render, while "Speed" sets it at such a low ...
dsoodak's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Choppy curves with Manipulate [duplicate]

While manipulating the slider in Manipulate[], I experience choppy curves. These do however render correctly after letting go of the slider. The same phenomenon occurs when pressing the + or - button ...
MathLind's user avatar
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How to maintain a smooth surface in CDFs while playing? [duplicate]

I created a CDF for viewing the Möbius Band, and its generation. But: 1.- When it´s PAUSED the surface is soft and you can see with ...
Mika Ike's user avatar
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Animate and Plot3D not working together [duplicate]

I made a simulator for a 2D quantum harmonic oscilator and want to display an animation of the particles moviment. For this I animated a Plot3D, but whenever the animation starts the image quality ...
ivbc's user avatar
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Issue plotting PDE solution with manipulate [duplicate]

I am trying to plot the solution to the following PDE with the help of mathematica, however, when trying to employ manipulate to animate the behavior, I find that if I try this: ...
Walter U.'s user avatar
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Plot using Manipulate or Animate [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: PolarPlot render oddities When I use manipulate or animate function, the result shows a non-smooth plot. How to make the manipulate or animate commands show good and smooth ...
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Animated Spherical Pendulum - animated plot wiggles [duplicate]

Have used the below code to animate a plot for motion of a spherical pendulum ...
Marky's user avatar
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Animated 3D graphics is low resolution [duplicate]

I'm trying to animate a 3D shape in Mathematica 7. It's working, but the graphics is extremely crude while animated. The resolution gets better if I stop the animation. Is there a way to get a nice ...
Cham's user avatar
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Listdensityplot sort of smooths the data when I don't want it [duplicate]

I tried plotting a densityplot and it gives me an image what I expected. like this but after a split second it kind of updates itself to why is its dynamically smoothing itself? I want the first one....
Rupesh's user avatar
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45 votes
5 answers

Is it possible to speed up ContourPlot on multi-core machines?

It is not very difficult to face a function for which ContourPlot works too slow. And it seems natural that this function can be parallelized well. Anyway, naive <...
faleichik's user avatar
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12 votes
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Plot on command within DynamicModule?

Suppose I have a DynamicModule with all sorts of controls to set some parameters for a graphics object. ...
wxffles's user avatar
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6 votes
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Why does Manipulate execute the expression twice?

When I execute Foobar[] in the code below and move a slider, the variable grad is printed twice. Why is this? How can I make the ...
James Rohal's user avatar
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switch between automatic and manual updating

I have a plot with interactive controls. I'd like to give the user the option between having the plot automatically update (when the plot's parameters are changed with the slider) and having the ...
nibudd's user avatar
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Difference in rendering speed between slider and step forward in Manipulate

Consider the following Manipulate: Manipulate[Plot3D[Sin[x] Cos[y], {x, 1, 5 a}, {y, 1, 5 a}], {a, 1, 5}] When trying to step forward clicking the line of the ...
MathLind's user avatar
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