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3 votes
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ListContourPlot not plotting all data points [duplicate]

I have been using Mathematica for quite a while but am really stuck with this problem for too long now and appreciate any help. Thanks a lot. I am using ...
Tanya's user avatar
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Odd behavior of ListDensityPlot [duplicate]

I ran into some odd behavior with ListDensityPlot. I simplified the data as much as I could. If I simplify it further, the odd behavior goes away. What might be going on here? ...
Sampo Smolander's user avatar
3 votes
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Problem plotting 3D data with wildly different scales - only when data is in the form of tuples [duplicate]

I have some data and values for the variables, ...
Jason B.'s user avatar
  • 70.2k
43 votes
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Specific initial sample points for 3D plots

PlotPoints lets you determine how many sample points you want in each direction, but sometimes I want specific ones. For Plot ...
ssch's user avatar
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14 votes
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Interpolation on an unstructured mesh

(Edit: This question is about making a mesh on a 2D surface to work with a 3D surface look at ElementMeshInterpolation on a BoundaryMesh ) I have experimental data in the form of { {x1, y1, z1}, {x2, ...
Hugh's user avatar
  • 16.8k
33 votes
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Terrifying performance decrease for contour/density plots in v10.1 -> 10.3

Bug introduced in 10.3 and fixed in 10.3.1 I setup for download a test dataset at (a set of 64800 triplets x,y,z). The behavior can be reproduced with the ...
alessandro's user avatar
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7 votes
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Plotting a 3D list causes kernel to crash if x and y axes have vastly different scales

Bug introduced in 7.0.1 or earlier and fixed in 10.0.2 or earlier I have access to two versions of Mathematica, version 7.0.1 on Linux and version 8 on Windows. When I try the following two lines on ...
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Strange extrapolation in ListContourPlot?

I have some Table of {x,y,z} values (energy as a function of radial and azimuthal frequencies in a galaxy if you care to know): ...
chris's user avatar
  • 23.1k
4 votes
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Repeated interpolation for 3D unstructured grid -> Optimization

Trying to perform mesh-to-mesh 3D interpolation on unstructured grid. Mesh size is about 200k nodes. Painful thing that interpolation shoud be repeated ~1000 times (different thermal map) on the same ...
Artemiy's user avatar
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9 votes
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ListPlot3D. Only plots about half of the data in a 3D matrix

Here is the data and the exact command I'm trying to run. I've had success with other datasets generated and written out to a file by the exact same program in the exact same manner but for some ...
Austin's user avatar
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2 votes
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ListDensityPlot : Strange result when dealing with large matrix

I have a transient absorption spectrum(TAS) saved as a 240x3648 matrix, I want to use ListDensityPlot to plot it, but something is wrong: ...
Bettertomo's user avatar
1 vote
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Log scale for ListContourPlot when the axes have different orders of magnitude

I am trying to plot a data set (download here) in Mathematica (it's 3.9 MB and I wasn't sure how to best share it) which I then want to visualize with ...
user85503's user avatar
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