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Add a legend to a DiscretePlot - Version 8 [duplicate]

I have found several topics with legend issues but no answer to my problem. I have a function and I need to plot it for integers only (hence discrete plot) and then add a legend too. But ...
Fierce82's user avatar
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Plot with Legends and Markers [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Creating legends for plots with multiple lines? I must say I have seen a couple of similar questions but they were not addressing my specific problem. Level one: I'm trying ...
lcv's user avatar
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Show Legend with 3D ListPlot [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Creating legends for plots with multiple lines? I am trying to plot the color bar that shows the data range for the data plotted by ...
Yousef's user avatar
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How do I generate legends for Plot[.] objects in Mathematica 8 [duplicate]

I have an old version of Mathematica 8 and can only find information for #>9 I need to label multiple curves in a Plot[.] function with legends to the side of the graph. Your answer needs to be as ...
hypnotoad's user avatar
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Make PlotMarker explanation [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Creating legends for plots with multiple lines? I have a ListPlot of data points. To distinguish between datapoints coming from different sources, I give them different ...
GOt's user avatar
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add a legend show the expression for each contour? [duplicate]

I am trying to visualizing the unit circle under different norm functions, here is the code: ...
qed's user avatar
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Extra lines in the legend of a ParametricPlot [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Creating legends for plots with multiple lines? Why does the legend of this plot have 5 lines (in mathematica 8, at least) instead of 3? ...
Fabio Dalla Libera's user avatar
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Names disapper when using PlotLegend [duplicate]

I am using Mathematica and when I use PlotLegend the names disappear. Could you help me fix it? Thank you. ...
emnha's user avatar
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Labeling individual curves in Mathematica

I need to create a plot for export and inclusion in a report. Is there a better way to label curves than PlotLegends? From what I've read and my personal experience,...
Tianxiang Xiong's user avatar
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Using PlotLegends with Show messes up the graphics

I have already obtained the plot that I want but am having trouble legending the graph correctly. ...
Julia's user avatar
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How can I save both the plot and the legend together?

In this example, how can I put the legend inside the graph? Currently, when I save the graph, only the graph is saved, not the legend. ...
Mika Ike's user avatar
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How can I mark each of several plots with a parameter that identifies it?

I've got a two variable function that I'm plotting against one axis for a few different values of a parameter ...
Peeter Joot's user avatar
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How do I use Map for a function with two arguments?

I'm a newbie who tries to be a good boy, and use Map instead of writing out a list of functions. I have a table I want to Map ...
stevenvh's user avatar
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ShowLegend values

How do I get ShowLegend to put the max and min values that a plot produces. for example, when using ListDensityPlot, with ...
Andrew Spott's user avatar
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"Save Graphic As..." does not include plot legends

I am creating some plots with Show but unfortunately the PlotLegends seems to be out of the bounding box when saving the graph. ...
JavaCake's user avatar
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