Linked Questions

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3 answers

Separate an array in two arrays, the even and odd terms being separated in these two arrays

How can I separate the odd terms in one array and the even terms in another array,i.e., go from a={1,2,3,4} to aeven={2,4} ...
Mencia's user avatar
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Finding negative sequences in a large list: optimization

I ran across an interesting challenge recently, and I was thinking this community would know how to optimize it. I have several data sets which have (currently) about 50k-100k points. The sets ...
Jake Mohin's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to find the intervals in which a function is positive?

I have to find the positive range for the derivatives of a lot of functions. I have a very inefficient solution. At the moment I am using a For loop to find the ...
PolaroidDreams's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Split list of states by run lengths and discontinuous changes in state

I was asked to look into writing some simulation code for a user, where the simulation output (x) would oscillate between three possible states: ...
Charlotte Hadley's user avatar
6 votes
7 answers

Positions satisfying pattern and grouped

I have a list of numbers and I am looking for a way to most efficiently find positions of values that satisfy a certain condition and group those positions that are sequential. To illustrate, a simple ...
atapaka's user avatar
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Product of non-zero elements in sparse array

How can I multiply the non-zero elements of a SparseArray? Example: ...
Danvil's user avatar
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2 answers

Subgrouping elements of list based on their values

In a list of elements I want to group the elements which are in consecutive order. For eg. ...
mrkbtr's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Split list cases where the second element is the same

I have a nested list below. ...
yaykhel's user avatar
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Timing and memory use is critical:fast partitioning of binary sparse array

I do experiments were I measure a signal, and I need to know at what time points it is above a threshold. If at a given time point, the signal is above the threshold, then a '1' gets put into the ...
olliepower's user avatar
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1 answer

Split a (complex) image into sub parts

I'm aware of the solution to a similar problem by Hayashi Yoshiaki. Is there a way of extending the solution to break out the chromosomes from this example I have a mass of data in this format that ...
Boris's user avatar
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