
I'm using NMinimize to solve the following objective function.

S1 = 0.874334;

S2 = 0.125666;

Wd11[R_] := Exp[-((R - 6.491541)/34.9807)^1.506582];

V11[R_] := Wd11[R]*S1;

Wd12[Q_, R_] := Exp[-(((R + ((1 - 0.5)*Q)) - 14.19834)/53.64985)^1.701898];

V12[Q_, R_] := Wd12[Q, R]*S1;

Wd21[Q_, R_] := Exp[-(((R + 0.5*Q) - 13.3108)/45.07249)^1.690368];

V21[Q_, R_] := Wd21[Q, R]*S2;

Wd22[R_] := Exp[-((R - 10.4539)/39.29455)^1.617706];

V22[R_] := Wd22[R]*S2;

a := V11[R] + V12[R, Q] + V21[R, Q] + V22[R];

f[Q_] := If[1 <= Q <= 1000, 75, 
   If[1000 < Q <= 3000, 74, 
    If[3000 < Q <= 7000, 73, 
     If[7000 < Q <= 15000, 71.5, 
      If[15000 < Q <= 26000, 70.5, If[Q > 26000, 69, 0]]]]]];

T[Q_] := 850*1.6*(IntegerPart[(Q*22*0.5)/45000]) + (850*1.6*0.7^
     Log[2, 45000/(FractionalPart[(Q*0.5*22)/45000]*45000)]);

The objective function is:

OB[Q_, R_] := ((3650*f[Q]) + (3650/Q*(T[Q] + T[Q])) + (3650/
       Q (50 + 2*50)) + (0.25*
       f[Q]*(Q/2 - (0.5*10*(6 - 4)) + (R - (4*10)))) + (0.18*


NMinimize[{OB[Q, R], Q >= 1, R >= 1, a <= 0.02}, {Q, R}]

but it results in the following errors:

LessEqual::nord: Invalid comparison with 1.93457 +0.143499 I attempted. >>

NMinimize::bcons: The following constraints are not valid: {Q>=1,R>=1,0.874334 E^(-0.00113881 (-14.1983+Q+Times[<<2>>])^1.7019)+0.125666 E^(-0.00160059 (-13.3108+Q+Times[<<2>>])^1.69037)+0.125666 E^(-0.00263535 (-10.4539+R)^1.61771)+0.874334 E^(-0.00472167 (-6.49154+R)^1.50658)<=0.02}. Constraints should be equalities, inequalities, or domain specifications involving the variables. >>

I've checked this error on many pages and tried different solutions, but it still doesn't work. The problem actually arises from the third constraint (a <= 0.02). When I place a == 0.02, it gives an output, but I'm not sure if this output is correct. Anyway, why shouldn't it give me the output when a <= 0.02?

Thank you

  • $\begingroup$ a can be complex in your code, do you want it to be real-valued? $\endgroup$
    – Jason B.
    Commented Nov 3, 2015 at 13:38

1 Answer 1


The error you get is the same error you get when you evaluate 3 < 4 + 2I - you are asking if a complex number is less than a real-valued one.

Take the answer you get when you put in the equality, and then feed that back into a

NMinimize[{OB[Q, R], Q >= 1, R >= 1, a == 0.02}, {Q, R}]
(* {4.31243*10^6, {Q -> 478.281, R -> 94.4141}} *)

a /. %[[2]]
(* 0.967752 + 1.21616*10^-12 I *)

and you see it has a small imaginary part. If you demand that a be real, you get a convergence error

NMinimize[{OB[Q, R], Q >= 1, R >= 1, Re[a] <= 0.02, 
  Im[a] == 0}, {Q, R}]

During evaluation of In[--]:= NMinimize::incst: NMinimize was unable to generate any initial points satisfying the inequality constraints {-0.02+Re[0.874334 E^(-0.00113881 Power[<<2>>])+0.125666 E^(-0.00160059 Power[<<2>>])+0.125666 E^(-0.00263535 Power[<<2>>])+0.874334 E^(-0.00472167 Power[<<2>>])]<=0}. The initial region specified may not contain any feasible points. Changing the initial region or specifying explicit initial points may provide a better solution. >>

(* {4.31243*10^6, {Q -> 478.132, R -> 94.4141}} *)

which you can solve by giving an initial guess.

NMinimize[{OB[Q, R], Q >= 1, R >= 1, Re[a] <= 0.02, 
  Im[a] == 0}, {{Q, 478, 480}, {R, 90, 100}}]
(* {4.31243*10^6, {Q -> 478.287, R -> 94.4141}} *)

Notice this value is slightly higher than the previous answer, so there is a price to pay by demanding a be real.

Edit: Okay, so you wanna be sure that this is the minimum value - well, minimum on what interval? Let's just take Q and R from 1 to 1000 and find the minimum manually.

data1 = Flatten[Table[{q, r, OB[q, r], a /. {Q -> q, R -> r}}, {q, 1, 1000, 
    1}, {r, 1, 1000, 1}],1];

Select the values according to your inequality

data2 = Select[data1, (Re[#[[4]]] <= 0.02 &)];

and pick the minimum,

Sort[data2, #2[[3]] > #1[[3]] &][[1]]
(* {478, 95, 4.3126*10^6, 0.0192163} *)

which makes me trust the values found above via NMinimize

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you Jason. But is this result reliable? I mean, is that correct and can I use it for my analysis? $\endgroup$
    – Mahdi
    Commented Nov 3, 2015 at 14:39
  • $\begingroup$ You tell me - I have no idea what these equations mean really. Is it necessary that a be real? $\endgroup$
    – Jason B.
    Commented Nov 3, 2015 at 14:42
  • $\begingroup$ Yes, it should be. However, if the difference is that small, it doesn't matter. Moreover, you determined the initial guess by getting the results when a == 0.02. I selected an interval {Q, 100, 1000}, {R, 40, 1000} and got the same results as yours (when {Q, 478, 480}, {R, 90, 100}). But when {Q, 1, 10000}, {R, 40, 10000}, I got another result. Then, I think I can't choose any interval, right? $\endgroup$
    – Mahdi
    Commented Nov 3, 2015 at 15:05
  • $\begingroup$ I got it now. Thank you. $\endgroup$
    – Mahdi
    Commented Nov 3, 2015 at 15:12

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