I need help regarding this code. I have used NDSolve
to find a solution.
F = Θ + a*Sin[2*π*(x - t)] +
b*Sin[2*π*(x - t) + ϕ];
N1 = Sqrt[M^2 + (1/k)];
t = 0.4;
a = 0.2;
b = 0.3;
m = 0.15;
ϕ = π/3;
M = 1;
k = 3;
Nt = 0.8;
Nb = 1;
Pr = 2;
L = 0.1;
Bm = 1;
Bh = 0.5;
Θ = 1.6;
Gr = 1.2;
Br = 0.8;
ζ = 0.02;
Rn = 0.75;
h1 = -1 - m*x - a*Sin[2*π*(x - t) + ϕ]
h2 = 1 + m*x + b*Sin[2*π*(x - t)]
sol = NDSolve[{ψ''''[
y] - ζ*(6 ψ''[y] *ψ'''[y]*ψ'''[y] +
3 ψ''[y]*ψ''[y]* ψ''''[y]) - N1*N1*ψ''[y] +
Gr*θ'[y] + Br*σ'[y] ==
0, (1 + Pr*Rn)*θ''[y] + Nb*Pr*σ'[y]*θ'[y] +
Nt*Pr*θ'[y]*θ'[y] ==
0, σ''[y] + Nt/Nb*θ''[y] == 0, ψ[h2] == F/
2, ψ[h1] == -(F/2), ψ'[h1] == 0, ψ'[h2] ==
0, σ'[h1] == Bm*σ[h1], σ'[h2] ==
Bm*(1 - σ[h2]), θ'[h1] ==
Bh*θ[h1], θ'[h2] ==
Bh*(1 - θ[h2])}, {ψ, θ, σ}, {y, h1, h2}]
I get the following error
NDSolve::ndsv: Cannot find starting value for the variable θ.
Why do I get this error for θ
but not ψ
or σ
? Further i have used the same code for velocity graphs and they turned out really great without any errors
F = Θ + a*Sin[2*π*(x - t)] +
b*Sin[2*π*(x - t) + ϕ];
N1 = Sqrt[M^2 + (1/k)];
x = 0.4;
t = 0.2;
a = 0.3;
b = 0.4;
m = 0.25;
ϕ = 2 π/3;
M = 1;
k = 0.8;
Nt = 0.8;
Nb = 0.4;
Pr = 0.2;
Bm = 4;
Bh = 2;
Θ = 1.5;
Gr = 0.7;
Br = 0;
ζ = 0.002;
Rn = 0.6;
h1 = -1 - m*x - a*Sin[2*π*(x - t) + ϕ]
h2 = 1 + m*x + b*Sin[2*π*(x - t)]
sol = NDSolve[{ψ''''[
y] - ζ*(6 ψ''[y] *ψ'''[y]*ψ'''[y] +
3 ψ''[y]*ψ''[y]* ψ''''[y]) -
N1*N1*ψ''[y] + Gr*θ'[y] + Br*σ'[y] ==
0, (1 + Pr*Rn)*θ''[y] + Nb*Pr*σ'[y]*θ'[y] +
Nt*Pr*θ'[y]*θ'[y] ==
0, σ''[y] + Nt/Nb*θ''[y] == 0, ψ[h2] == F/
2, ψ[h1] == -(F/2), ψ'[h1] == 0, ψ'[h2] ==
0, σ'[h1] == Bm*σ[h1], σ'[h2] ==
Bm*(1 - σ[h2]), θ'[h1] ==
Bh*θ[h1], θ'[h2] ==
Bh*(1 - θ[h2])}, {ψ, θ, σ}, {y, h1, h2}];
A1 = Plot[Evaluate[D[ψ[y], y] /. sol], {y, h1, h2},
PlotRange -> All,
PlotStyle -> {Darker[Blue, 0.5], Thickness[0.004]},
AxesOrigin -> Automatic,
BaseStyle -> {FontFamily -> "Times", FontSize -> 15},
FrameLabel -> {"y", "u"}, Frame -> True, Axes -> False]
My final goal is to make a ContourPlot
of the form
ContourPlot[ψ[y], {y, -2, 2}, {x, 0, 2}, Contours -> 60,
ColorFunction -> (Hue[#] &), ClippingStyle -> Automatic]
or withNDSolve
? $\endgroup$