I want to simplify a nonlinear equation with trigonometric terms. After I've expanded I don't want to loose open terms to Trigonometric Addition Formulas (http://mathworld.wolfram.com/TrigonometricAdditionFormulas.html) but others are to be simplified. In other words, I want to exclude addition formulas from the simplification process but I don't want to exclude other identities (such as cos^2 + sin^2 = 1 etc.). For example let my expression will be;
cos(th_1)^2 + 2*cos(th_1)*cos(th_2) + 2*sin(th_1)*sin(th_2)+ sin(th_1)^2
After some kind of "controlled simplification (?)" I want to get;
1 + 2*cos(th_1)*cos(th_2) + 2*sin(th_1)*sin(th_2)
I don't want to get;
1 + 2*cos(th_1 - th_2)
I will use the bold terms' open forms.
I think I will need a clever usage of ExcludedForms, I've tried something but I couldn't do it.
How can I do that?
Thank you.
? $\endgroup$