Good day! I have an output equation that has a very large amount of coeff. b(x,y)
, like so:
8*b(0,0) + 2*x*b(0,0) + 3*y*b(0,0) + 5*x*y*b(0,0) + 4*b(0,1) + 3*x*b(0,1) + ...
I need to group by b, so each b(x,y)
was seperate. I can Collect[]
by b(0,0)
, but what abut the other coeff.?
I'm trying to get something like this:
(8 + 2*x + 3*y + 5*x*y) * b(0,0) + (4 + 3*x + ...
Any ideas about how to do this?
To clarify: each x,y
in b(x,y)
is written as a Subscript. Not all b(x,y)
have a "full" group.The grouping i'm trying to achieve will correspond to a cell in a matrix. The equation is a matrix row, and there are several equations which will form an equation group. I'm new to Wolfram, so any general advice is very welcome.
Thank you all in advance!
CoefficientList[ ]