
I have a 'list' of the form an expansion: F = (A[1] + A[2])(B[1] + B[2]), such that F[[1]] produces the result


Based on the values that appear in the brackets, I multiply the term with a certain term. I do this for each term in the Expansion of F, i.e. by using the iteration Do[ ... , {i, 1, Length[F], 1}]. However, when I multiply each term in F the ordering of terms change and I end up multiplying the same term more than once.

How could I use the HoldForm even when the list changes - where the change being the multiplication of each term in the list. I would want the order of terms to remain the same as the initial definition of $F$. Namely, I would like to multiply the first term of F by a predefined function that I have Bra[2,0] and so I obtain

A[2]B[1] + A[1]B[2] + A[2]B[2] + A[1]B[1]Bra[2,0],

but since I am iterating over each term (to multiply them) I would like for the outcome to instead read

A[1]B[1]Bra[2,0] + A[2]B[1] + A[1]B[2] + A[2]B[2].

In this way I would be able to change the second term of the 'list' and the whole procedure would be correct - you can see if I tried to change the second term of the list F when its order changes, I will be changing the wrong term.

I have seen similar posts, but not the case which makes use of the HoldForm function for a list changes. Thanks.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Something like List @@ Expand [F]? $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 3, 2015 at 10:41
  • $\begingroup$ I have tried to multiply each of the terms in List @@ Expand [F], but the ordering of terms still change. I will make it more clear what I want to achieve. $\endgroup$
    – Sid
    Commented Jun 3, 2015 at 10:52
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @Guesswhoitis, converting the expression to a list does in fact work and I can achieve what I want through this method. However, would it be possible to still HoldForm for a list which changes. $\endgroup$
    – Sid
    Commented Jun 3, 2015 at 11:40

1 Answer 1


One way to use HoldForm is to do something involving Insert like this:

F = (A[1] + A[2]) (B[1] + B[2]);

G = HoldForm[Evaluate@Expand@F];
Do[G = Insert[G, Bra[2, i - 1], {1, i, 3}], {i, 1, Length@Expand@F}]; 
G = ReleaseHold@G
A[1] B[1] Bra[2, 0] + A[2] B[1] Bra[2, 1] + A[1] B[2] Bra[2, 2] + A[2] B[2] Bra[2, 3]

This process is a little simpler with the Fold operation:

G = HoldForm[Evaluate@Expand@F;
G = ReleaseHold@Fold[Insert[#1, Bra[2, #2 - 1], {1, #2, 3}] &, G, Range@Length@Expand@F]
A[1] B[1] Bra[2, 0] + A[2] B[1] Bra[2, 1] + A[1] B[2] Bra[2, 2] + A[2] B[2] Bra[2, 3]

That said, I would still recommend the more natural Mathematica way recommended by Guess who it is:

Total@MapIndexed[#1 Bra[2, First@#2 - 1] &, List @@ Expand@F]
A[1] B[1] Bra[2, 0] + A[2] B[1] Bra[2, 1] + A[1] B[2] Bra[2, 2] + A[2] B[2] Bra[2, 3]

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