I have a large 1D dataset of double precision numbers that are stored in many external database files. In order to load the whole dataset into Mathematica 8 I iterate over the files AppendingTo
a List
. The problem is that my computer keeps running out of memory even though the memory available should be more than enough to store the whole set. When researching the issue I discovered a strange behaviour (see the code below). The list produced by AppendTo
consumes much more memory than would correspond to the size of an integer. I presume that, in the latter List
, Mathematica uses some different kind of objects to store the data.
Any suggestions on how to reduce the memory usage?
In[78]:= ByteCount[Range[1, 10000]]
Out[78]= 40168
In[79]:= data = List[];
For[i = 0, i < 10000, ++i,
AppendTo[data, i];
In[81]:= ByteCount[data]
Out[81]= 320040
and do something similar to this:Join @@ (Import /@ FileNames["data*.txt"])
. Also avoidFor
if you can. $\endgroup$