Some features with V10.0.1.0 plotting under x86_64 Linux (xubuntu 12.04 & 14.04). I use ListPlot, but I also see this using other Plot functions.
Generate some data: tdata = RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {32, 2}];
Plot the first series: ListPlot[tdata[[All, 1]], Joined -> True]
to get
Plot both series (ListPlot[{tdata[[All, 1]], tdata[[All, 2]]}, Joined -> True]
) to get
Here's where the features start. Specify styles using ListPlot[{tdata[[All, 1]], tdata[[All, 2]]}, Joined -> True, PlotStyle -> {Red, Blue}]
and see
Second series dashed (ListPlot[{tdata[[All, 1]], tdata[[All, 2]]}, Joined -> True,
PlotStyle -> {Red, Directive[Blue, Dashed]}]
) gives
Note the dashed Frame.
Can anybody else reproduce these effects?
Frame -> True
. Have you modified the default settings? $\endgroup$