I'd like to expand on the answer given by @ChipHurst in the comments. My hope was that one of these approximate tests would be much faster than PrimeQ
; however, that was not the case. Perhaps someone can code these methods more efficiently than shown here.
Fermat's Little Theorem: Prime p
and any b
such that GCD[b,p]=1
implies b^(p-1)=1
, mod p
. Use a prime base b
with the Fermat test.
FermatPrimeQ[b_, n_] := Thread[PowerMod[b, n - 1, n] == 1]
Run Fermat's prime test with the first m
primes as bases. If n
passes for all bases, then return True
. The larger m
, the larger the probability that n
is prime.
FermatLittleTheoremTest[n_?OddQ, m_] :=
Block[{b = DeleteCases[Prime[Range[m]], n], k = 1, i = 1, len},
len = Length[b];
While[k <= len && (PowerMod[b[[i]], n - 1, n] == 1), k += 1; i += 1];
len == k - 1]
Bressoud and Wagon, A Course in Computational Number Theory, define QuickPrimeQ[n]
, where primeProduct
is the product of the first 100 primes. They combine a GCD test with a base b=2
Fermat test. Other tests also benefit from incorporating a GCD test.
primeProduct = Apply[Times, Prime[Range[2, 100]]];
QuickPrimeQ[n_] := GCD[primeProduct, n] == 1 && PowerMod[2, n - 1, n] == 1
A stronger test is described in Section 4.2 of Bressoud and Wagon. The following is an edit of the code given on page 116.
SpspSequence[b_, n_] :=
Module[{s = IntegerExponent[n - 1, 2]},
NestList[Mod[#^2, n] &, PowerMod[b, Quotient[n - 1, 2^s], n], s] /. n-1 -> -1]
StrongPseudoprimeTest[b_, 2] := True
StrongPseudoprimeTest[b_, n_?EvenQ] := False
StrongPseudoprimeTest[b_, n_?OddQ] :=
(Union[#] == {1} || MemberQ[#, -1]) &[SpspSequence[b, n]]
They state on page 118 that "the probability of a composite integer passing the strong pseudoprime test using m
random bases is at most 1/4^m
", and "is usually much smaller than this".
StrongPseudoprimeProbability[n_?OddQ, m_] :=
If[1 < GCD[n, primeProduct] < n, 0,
If[VectorQ[RandomInteger[{2, n - 1}, m],
StrongPseudoprimeTest[#, n] &], 1 - 1/4^m, 0]]
Also on page 118 is MillerRabinPrimeQ[n,m]
, which applies m
strong pseudoprime tests to n
, as long as n
passes the GCD test with the predefined primeProduct
Options[MillerRabinPrimeQ] = {RandomBases -> True};
MillerRabinPrimeQ[n_Integer, m_Integer: 1, opts___Rule] :=
If[1 < GCD[n, primeProduct] < n, False,
rQ = RandomBases /. {opts} /. Options[MillerRabinPrimeQ];
VectorQ[If[rQ, RandomInteger[{2, n - 1}, m], Prime[Range[m]]],
StrongPseudoprimeTest[#, n] &]]]
The next test was mentioned by @ChipHurst. See Solovay-Strassen test, or page 193 of Bressoud and Wagon, or page 143 of Ribenboim's The New Book of Prime Number Records. The reference is: A Fast Monte-Carlo Test for Primality, SIAM Journal on Computing, v6, p84, 1977. Choose m>1
bases b
such that 1<b<n
and GCD[n,b]=1
. Test each b
for JacobiSymbol[b,n]=b^((n-1)/2)
, mod n
. If a base b
is found for which the congruence fails, then n
is composite and probability 0 is returned. If no b
fails, then n
is prime with returned probability 1-1/2^k
, where k
is the number of bases tested.
SolovayStrassenPrimeProbability[n_?OddQ, m_] :=
Block[{b = RandomInteger[{2, n - 1}, Max[m, 100]]},
If[1 < GCD[n, primeProduct] < n, 0,
If[VectorQ[b = Take[Pick[b, GCD[n, b], 1], m],
Divisible[JacobiSymbol[#, n] - PowerMod[#, Quotient[n - 1, 2], n], n] &],
1 - 1/2^Length[b], 0]]]
Timings with random odd integers near 10^200 failed to produce results faster than PrimeQ
. However, for tests of primes of order 10^2000, the recommended code is StrongPreudoprimeProbability
(essentially the same as MillerRabinPrimeQ
), which was faster than PrimeQ when m=1
or m=2
. Many more tests are possible, your mileage may vary.
as its performance reference and is asking whether it is possible to perform a test that is both cheaper and weaker. Arguably the answer to the question is "no" (unless you code it yourself), but the question itself is not ill-posed. I certainly don't agree with the downvote. $\endgroup$PrimeQ
. Best I can recommend is a quick sieve against small primes, then use a few M-R tests and skip Lucas, as I think that's the slower one. (2) I think this one should be reopened in case anyone wants to provide code, along the above lines or otherwise. $\endgroup$ProbablyPrimeQ[p_, m_:100] := OddQ[p] && VectorQ[RandomInteger[{1, p}, m], Divisible[JacobiSymbol[#, p] - PowerMod[#, (p-1)/2, p], p]&]