
I've a table with 3 columns. The table looks like this:

test = {
  {"john", {"suzan", "jan"}, {"new", "job", "policies"}}, 
  {"carla", {"john", "piet"}, {"route", "suggestion"}}, 
  {"jan", {"john", "suzan"}, {"re", "new", "job", "policies"}}, 
  {"john", {"piet", "carla"}, {"re", "route", "suggestion"}}}

I would like to select the records with has no re in the third column. When I select the third column like this:

test1 = Select[test[[All, 3]], #[[1]] != "re" &]

The result is:

{{"new", "job", "policies"}, {"route", "suggestion"}}

But I want to select also the columns one and two. When I write:

Select[test[[All, {1, 2, 3}]], #[[3]] != "re" &]

The result is empty


Who has a suggestion to solve this?


2 Answers 2


Just some other ways:

Cases[test, Except[{_, _, {___, "re", ___}}]]


Pick[test, FreeQ[#[[3]], "re"] & /@ test]

I think Select is the right method.

Select[test, !MemberQ[#[[3]], "re"] &]


{{"john", {"suzan", "jan"}, {"new", "job", "policies"}},
   {"carla", {"john", "piet"}, {"route", "suggestion"}}}

Which equals line 1 and 2. The MemberQ functions tests the third column for strings containing re.

  • $\begingroup$ You can also use FreeQ[#[[3]],"re"] for the test function. (+1) $\endgroup$
    – kglr
    Commented Apr 13, 2014 at 2:10

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