Exists[x, x > 0 && ForAll[c, c < -2 x && (c + 2 x) x^2 + c^2 x + 2 c x^2 >= 0]]
(* False *)
Edit: In thinking about this, I perhaps took the question as stated too literally and that's not what you meant, i.e., it is obvious that it is not true that for all C, C <-2 X
, which the above shows. However, if you meant (and I think this true) for all C with the condition C < -2 X
, that's done this way:
Exists[x, x > 0, ForAll[c, c < -2 x, (c + 2 x) x^2 + c^2 x + 2 c x^2 >= 0]]
(* True *)
You can use FindInstance
to get instance(s), like:
FindInstance[x > 0 && c < -2 x && (c + 2 x) x^2 + c^2 x + 2 c x^2 >= 0, {x, c}, Reals]
(* {{x -> 1, c -> -4}} *)