I need to generate large (directed, acyclic, transitive) graphs. My code in Mathematica gets very slow for large numbers of vertices. I've tried a number of approaches and I can't find any significant improvements on speed.
The graphs are generated as follows. You are given a list aList
of size nS
of randomly generated points (tuples of reals) and a boolean "edge function" f
acting on pairs of such points. You then generate a graph with nS
vertices labelled by integers i = 1,...,nS
whose edges are found as follows: f(aList[[i]],aList[[j]]) == True
$\iff$ i->j
. The properties of f
are always such that the resulting graph is a transitive DAG.
Here an explicit example. My list of points (2-tuples in this case) is
nS = 1000;
aList = Sort[Table[{RandomReal[], RandomReal[]}, {nS}]];
and my edge function is
f[i_, j_] := aList[[j, 1]] - aList[[i, 1]] > Abs[aList[[j, 2]] - aList[[i, 2]]]
Now I want to generate my graph. I have thought of either finding all the Rules
(edges) using Reap/Sow or computing an adjacency matrix, but all the approaches I have tried are very slow for large nS
. Below my different approaches:
r1 = Reap@Do[If[f[i, j], Sow[Rule[j, i]]], {i, nS}, {j, i}]; // Timing
r2 = ParallelTable[If[f[i, j], Rule[j, i], ## &[]], {i, nS}, {j, i}]; // Timing
r3 = ParallelTable[If[f[i, j], 1., 0.], {i, nS}, {j, i}]; // Timing
{4.626997, Null}
{2.023294, Null}
{1.397499, Null}
Each of these approaches is very slow for nS = 1000 already. To generate a boolean adjacency matrix this way in C++ takes me ~0.01 seconds instead of ~1.0 second. Is there some way to improve performance in Mathematica? Perhaps using Compile? I have tried tweaking different things without much success.
I haven't given any background/motivation but if you'd like me to I'd be happy to explain.