Using the Temporal Data Framework
While Cashflow
is a nice feature for doing financial calculations it lacks the powerful functionality to process time series that has been built into Mathematica as of Version 10 and later.
Using this framework we can convert the cashflows into event series (which essentialy is what they are) and can then use TimeSeriesResample
to align the cashflows and add them up correctly.
addCashflows[ cashflows : { __Cashflow} ] := Module[
(* convert the cashflows *)
timeSeries = EventSeries[ #, MissingDataMethod -> {"Constant", 0} ]& @@@ cashflows;
(* find the parameters to align the event series *)
{ minTime, maxTime, minTimeInc } = timeSeries // RightComposition[
Map[ {#["FirstTime"],#["LastTime"], MinimumTimeIncrement @ # }& ],
Apply[ { Min @ #1, Max @ #2, Min @ #3 }& ]
(* align event series, add them and return the total cashflow *)
timeSeries // RightComposition[
Map[ TimeSeriesResample[ #, { minTime, maxTime, minTimeInc }] & ],
To make all this more comfortable and in the end "more elegant" we can overload the definition for Cashflow
Unprotect[ Cashflow ];
Cashflow/: Times[ a_ , Cashflow[ c_?VectorQ ] ] := Cashflow[ a c ]
Cashflow/: Times[ a_ , Cashflow[ c_?VectorQ, q_ ] ] := Cashflow[ a c, q ]
Cashflow/: Times[ a_ , cashflow : Cashflow[{ { _ , _ }.. }] ] := Apply[
Function[ { time, value }, {time, a value} ],
Cashflow/: Plus[ cashflows__Cashflow ] := { cashflows } // RightComposition[
Cashflow[ c_?VectorQ ] :> Cashflow[
Transpose @ { Range[ 0, Length @ c - 1], c }
Cashflow[ c_?VectorQ, q_?NumericQ ] :> Cashflow[
Transpose @ { NestList[ # + q & , 0 , Length @ c - 1 ], c }
Protect[ Cashflow ];
Testing the Functionality
Now we can test the functionality using the OP's data.
c1 = Cashflow[ Annuity[-765.3, 4, 1/12] ] (* monthly payments_ *)
c2 = Cashflow[ Annuity[2357.124, 4, 1/4 ] ] (* quarterly payments *)
totalCF = c1 + c2;
totalCF // First // Dataset
We can now also subtract cash flows:
c1 - c2
Cashflow[{{1/12, -765.3}, {1/6, -765.3}, {1/4, -3122.42}, {1/
3, -765.3}, {5/12, -765.3}, {1/2, -3122.42}, {7/12, -765.3}, {2/
3, -765.3}, {3/4, -3122.42}, {5/6, -765.3}, {11/
12, -765.3}, {1, -3122.42}, {13/12, -765.3}, {7/6, -765.3}, {5/
4, -3122.42}, {4/3, -765.3}, {17/12, -765.3}, {3/2, -3122.42}, {19/
12, -765.3}, {5/3, -765.3}, {7/4, -3122.42}, {11/6, -765.3}, {23/
12, -765.3}, {2, -3122.42}, {25/12, -765.3}, {13/6, -765.3}, {9/
4, -3122.42}, {7/3, -765.3}, {29/12, -765.3}, {5/2, -3122.42}, {31/
12, -765.3}, {8/3, -765.3}, {11/4, -3122.42}, {17/6, -765.3}, {35/
12, -765.3}, {3, -3122.42}, {37/12, -765.3}, {19/6, -765.3}, {13/
4, -3122.42}, {10/3, -765.3}, {41/12, -765.3}, {7/
2, -3122.42}, {43/12, -765.3}, {11/3, -765.3}, {15/
4, -3122.42}, {23/6, -765.3}, {47/12, -765.3}, {4, -3122.42}}]
We can now also work with short forms of Cashflow
Cashflow[ {1,2,3} ] + Cashflow[ {1,2,3}, 2 ]
Cashflow[{{0, 2}, {1, 2}, {2, 5}, {3, 0}, {4, 3}}]
Flatten@Riffle[c2, {{0, 0, 0}}, {2, 2 Length[c2], 2}]
using your approachFlatten@Riffle[c2[[1,All,2]],{{0,0,0}},{2,2 Length[c2[[1]],2}]
does have a very concise meaning which is quite different. $\endgroup$