Does Mathematica have a mapping function like scipy or any of the multidimensional ones?
By this I mean something like mapping $[1,100]$ onto $[7,20]$ for example.
Looking at Interpolate I only see interpolation with regards to estimating a line given points.
To make it more clear I mean a simple example using a linear mapping would be $[0,512]$ onto $[0,10]$ would give 5 for a value of 256.
Edited: (Comments added for greater precision):
What would make the question more clear? An example would be reading in a sensor that gives values on $[0,256]$ and using those to operate say a servo which accepts values on $[0,10]$
in this scale that is exactly what I'm looking for! thanks. Is it possible to use mappings of other orders, ex. a normal distribution or a quadratic mapping? This being a linear mapping. –
Rescale[256, {0,512}, {0,10}]
(==> 5)? $\endgroup$