Each component is easily transformed but the sum is not:
FourierTransform[f''[x], x, k]
FourierTransform[f'[x], x, k]
-k^2 FourierTransform[f[x], x, k] -I k FourierTransform[f[x], x, k]
FourierTransform[f''[x] + f'[x], x, k]
FourierTransform[f'[x] + f''[x], x, k] (*!!*)
behaves correctly:
LaplaceTransform[f''[x] + f'[x], x, k]
-f[0]-k f[0]+k LaplaceTransform[f[x],x,k] + k^2 LaplaceTransform[f[x],x,k] - f'[0]
Just in case. Win7 V9.0.1.0
As acl has noticed on chat, Distribute
would be quick fix but not sure how stable for more complicated cases:
Distribute[ FourierTransform[f''[x] + f'[x], x, k]]
-I k FourierTransform[f[x],x,k]-k^2 FourierTransform[f[x],x,k]
here, which (I think) is a little more stable than theDistribute
approach. $\endgroup$