What if we made time continuous? The discrete formulae transform to a system of differential equations:
\mathbf{r_i}'(t) = \text{Normalize@}\sum_j{\frac{\mathbf{r_i}(t)-\mathbf{c_j}(t)}{{|\mathbf{r_i}(t)-\mathbf{c_j}(t)|}^2}}
\mathbf{c_i}'(t) = -\text{Normalize@}\sum_j{\frac{\mathbf{c_i}(t)-\mathbf{r_j}(t)}{{|\mathbf{c_i}(t)-\mathbf{r_j}(t)|}^2}}
Some observations:
- The direction of a robber is determined by averaging the direction of all robber-cop pairs, weighted by the inverse of distance (dominated by the nearest cop).
- Robbers run away from the cops, and cops run towards the robbers, thus the opposite signs of velocity.
- The magnitude of velocity is always 1 for both robbers and cops (
d). This means robbers will never be caught.
can solve for complex numbers which we'll use to represent the planar points. To keep the robbers from running too far away, 4 additional guarding cops (who remain invisible) are placed on the sides of a 2x2 square.
solveChase[cops_Integer, robbers_Integer, duration_Integer, opts: OptionsPattern[]] :=
Module[{b, v, c, r, s, t},
(* guards on the 4 sides to keep robbers fromm running away. *)
b[z_] := {Re[z] + I, Re[z] - I, 1 + Im[z] I, -1 + Im[z] I};
(* direction of velocity *)
v[z_, g_List] := Normalize@Sum[(z - g[[i]])/Abs[z - g[[i]]]^2, {i, Length[g]}];
s = NDSolve[Join[
Table[r[i]'[t] == v[r[i][t], b[r[i][t]]~Join~Array[c[#][t] &, cops]], {i, robbers}],
Table[c[i]'[t] == -v[c[i][t], Array[r[#][t] &, robbers]], {i, cops}],
(* initial positions *)
Thread[Array[r[#][0] &, robbers] == RandomComplex[{-1 - I, 1 + I}, robbers]],
Thread[Array[c[#][0] &, cops] == RandomComplex[{-1 - I, 1 + I}, cops]]],
Array[c, cops]~Join~Array[r, robbers],
{t, 0, duration},
FilterRules[{opts}, Options[NDSolve]]];
{Array[c, cops], Array[r, robbers]} /. s // First]
Let's try
cops = 8;
robbers = 10;
duration = 5;
Clear[r, c]
Evaluate@{Array[c, cops], Array[r, robbers]} =
solveChase[cops, robbers, duration, PrecisionGoal -> 3];
{Re[#], Im[#]} & /@ Array[r[#][t] &, robbers],
{Re[#], Im[#]} & /@ Array[c[#][t] &, cops]},
Frame -> True, AspectRatio -> 1, Axes -> False,
PlotStyle -> {{Blue, PointSize[Medium]}, {Red, PointSize[Medium]}},
PlotRange -> {{-1, 1}, {-1, 1}}],
{t, 0, duration}]
Numerical Instability
Because the equations are inherently non-linear, the numerical solutions are unstable. NDSolve
may sometimes complain of "Maxium number of 10000 steps reached ...", which can be avoided by lowering the PrecisionGoal
or raising MaxSteps
Here we solve from the same initial positions, but use different PrecisionGoal
Clear[cLow, cHigh, rLow, rHigh]
Evaluate@{Array[cLow, cops], Array[rLow, robbers]} =
solveChase[cops, robbers, duration, PrecisionGoal -> 3];
Evaluate@{Array[cHigh, cops], Array[rHigh, robbers]} =
solveChase[cops, robbers, duration, PrecisionGoal -> 4, MaxSteps -> 100000];
And we pick the trajectories of robber and cop number 4. In both cases, the trajectories of low and high precisions initially coincide, but inevitably at some point they will split and go their separate ways. As a result these trajectories are only accurate for a very small duration of time.
{Re[rLow[4][t]], Im[rLow[4][t]]},
{Re[rHigh[4][t]], Im[rHigh[4][t]]},
{Re[cLow[4][t]], Im[cLow[4][t]]},
{Re[cHigh[4][t]], Im[cHigh[4][t]]}},
{t, 0, duration},
PlotStyle -> {
{Thickness[0.02], LightGray}, {Dashed, Black},
{Thickness[0.02], LightBlue}, {Dashed, Red}},
AspectRatio -> 1,
PlotLegends -> {"robber low", "robber high", "cop low", "cop high"}]
in my code, they are symmetric meaning they are defined the same way but withr
switched. So the robbers should chase after the cops also. Your formula is not strictly symmetric (opposite sign). Also in the second one forc
, the iterator insideSum
should bej
instead ofi
? $\endgroup$