Assuming that Fermat 4n+1
conjecture (each prime of the form 4n+1
is the sum of two squares) is true then I like to solve the equation in the fastest possible form.
fermatQ[z_] :=
Length[Solve[x^2 + y^2 == z && x > 0 && y > 0 && x > y, {x, y},
Integers]] == 1
n = RandomPrime[10^1000]
Divisible[(n - 1), 4]
{0.296875, True}
{0.203125, True}
Timing[Length[PowersRepresentations[n, 2, 2]] == 1]
{0.687500, True}
- Can we optimize
to solve it faster? - Can we say to
to halt and return upon finding the firstk
solutions ? (Not to compute them all and extract the firstk
Added timing for MMA built-in PowersRepresentations
which is slower than Solve
Update 2
Based on @KennyColnago answer, we can write a one line formula but yet the timing is the same (everything behind the scene seems to be equal):
ModularRootPrimeQ[n_] := Length[PowerModList[-1, 1/2, n]] == 2
Select[Prime[Range[4, 1000000]],
Mod[#, 4] == 1 && ! ModularRootPrimeQ[#] &]
{} // Checked the first million primes and found no counterpart
If you run the same over all 4m+1 numbers, you'll get all 4m+1 primes with only prime powers:
Mod[#, 4] == 1 && ! PrimePowerQ[#] &&
ModularRootPrimeQ[#] && ! PrimeQ[#] &]
{} // If you remove the condition !PrimePowerQ[#] , only prime powers will appear here.
FactorInteger[m, GaussianIntegers->True]
. Ifm
is a prime of the form4n+1
then this will factor it as a product of conjugate Gaussian primes. $\endgroup$Solve
is doing essentially the same thing under the hood. $\endgroup$