I am new to Mathematica and to Math. I do not study math in English, so please bear with me as I try to state my questions..
This is what I am trying to "solve":
$$∃!x : A(x) ⇔ ∃x : ¬A(x)$$
In words: "Is 'there is exactly one x for which the assertion A is true' equivalent to 'there is at least one x for which assertion A is not true' ?"
Referred to that I have questions:
- Is this something you would normally do with Mathematica?
In the program I opened a "New Notebook" and typed in:
Equivalent[!Exists[x, a[x]], Exists[x, !a[x] ]]
and it - surprise! ;) - did not work. What have I done wrong ?
- How would the answer look like ?
Exists[x, a[x]] && ForAll[{x,y}, a[x] && a[y] , x==y]
or so $\endgroup$