Every pages in the documentation has a hyperlink. Here are some examples:
Well, my question is:
If I open a docs page, then how can I get the hyperlink of it programmatically?
my tries
Till now, I can get the NotebookInformation
of documentation notebooks (if it exist):
Select[NotebookInformation /@
Notebooks[], ("DocumentType" /. #) == "Help" &]
The output might be:
{{"FileName" ->
FrontEnd`FileName[{$RootDirectory, "C:", "Program Files",
"Wolfram Research", "Mathematica", "9.0", "Documentation",
"ChineseSimplified", "System", "Tutorials"}, "ListsOverview.nb",
CharacterEncoding -> "CP936"],
"FileModificationTime" -> 3.56977*10^9,
"WindowTitle" -> "List - Wolfram Mathematica",
"MemoryModificationTime" -> 3.58634*10^9,
"ModifiedInMemory" -> True, "DocumentType" -> "Help",
"StyleDefinitions" -> {NotebookObject[
FrontEndObject[LinkObject["d5i_shm", 3, 1]], 46]}}}
But I don't know what to do next. The correspondence between the FileName
and hyperlink seems to be confusing.