An approximation that appears to either approach constant or at least sub-logarithmic error for sufficiently large $k$ is:
\mathrm{entropy}(n) & \approx -f(k) \log _2\left(\frac{f(k)}{2}\right) \sum _i^{\frac{k}{2}} \phi (2 i-1) + C\\
f(k) & = \frac{\pi ^2 k}{2(k-3) (k-1)^2} \\
C & \approx \log _2\left(\frac{\pi }{6}\right)
Where $\phi(i)$ is Euler's totient function. The value of $C$ is just an observational guess, I really wouldn't put a lot of confidence in its exact value.
This arises from finding the average values of the Differences
of S1
and S2
as a function of k
, and observing that Length@F[k]
== 1 + Sum[EulerPhi[i], {i, k}]
We can also use the asymptotic growth of $\sum_i^k \phi(i)$ to further simplify:
\sum_i^{k/2} \phi(i) & \approx 3 \frac{k^2}{4\pi^2} - 1\\
\frac{\sum _i^{\frac{k}{2}} \phi (2 i-1)}{\sum _i^{\frac{k}{2}} \phi (i)} & \approx \frac{8}{3} \\
\sum _i^{\frac{k}{2}} \phi (2 i-1) & \approx \frac{2 k^2}{\pi ^2}-\frac{8}{3}
to get a simpler approximation:
\mathrm{entropy}(k) \approx -\left(\frac{2 k^2}{\pi ^2}-\frac{8}{3}\right) f(k) \log _2\left(\frac{f(k)}{2}\right)+C
And using $f \approx \frac{\pi ^2}{2 k^2}$ (See @Arbuja 's comment below):
\mathrm{entropy}(k) \approx \left(-1 + \frac{4 \pi ^2}{3 k^2}\right) \log _2\left(\frac{\pi ^2}{4 k^2}\right) + C
Which can be further simplified to see the asymptotic limit:
\mathrm{entropy}(k) &\approx \left(-1 + \frac{4 \pi ^2}{3 k^2}\right) \log _2\left(\frac{\pi ^2}{4 k^2}\right) + C \\\\
\mathrm{entropy}(k) &\approx \left(\frac{4 \pi ^2}{3 k^2}-1\right) \log _2\left(\left(\frac{\pi }{2 k}\right)^2\right) +C\\\\
\mathrm{entropy}(k) &\approx 2 \left(\frac{4 \pi ^2}{3 k^2}-1\right) \left(-\log _2(k)-1+\log _2(\pi )\right)+C \\\\
\mathrm{entropy}(k) &\approx 2 \log _2(k) + \frac{8 \pi ^2}{3 k^2} \left(-\log _2(k)-1+\log _2(\pi )\right) + C+2-2 \log _2(\pi )\\\\
\mathrm{entropy}(k) &\approx 2 \log _2(k) + K \\\\
K &= C+2-2 \log _2(\pi ) = 1 - \log_2(3\pi)
Here we see the comparison plot of the approximation and the true entropy (and using @azerbajdzan 's newentropy
for faster comparison with $RecursionLimit = 5000
f[k_] := (k \[Pi]^2)/(2 (k - 3) (k - 1)^2)
k_] := -f[k] (Log[2, f[k]/2]) Sum[EulerPhi[2 i - 1], {i, k/2}] +
k_] := -f[k] (Log[2, f[k]/2]) (-(8/3) + (2 k^2)/\[Pi]^2) +
testValuesK = Join[Range[2000], Range[3000, 5000, 500]];
plot = DiscretePlot[{newentropy[k], entropyApprox[k]}, {k,
testValuesK}, Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> {"k", "entropy(k)"},
LabelStyle -> Directive[Bold, Medium], Filling -> None,
Joined -> True, PlotLegends -> {"entropy(k)", "entropyApprox(k)"}]
And we see the error is either approaching 0, or is growing extremely slowly (note the $k$ step size is changed from 1 to 500 past $k = 2000$, due to how long newentropy
takes to calculate for large k
) :
errsAtK = ({#, newentropy[#] - entropyApprox[#]}) & /@ testValuesK;
ListLinePlot[errsAtK, PlotRange -> All, Frame -> True,
FrameLabel -> {"k", "error"}, LabelStyle -> Directive[Bold, Medium]]
Zooming in on the error just for $k ≥ 1000$, we see the error appears to be settling around 0 (notice it goes up and then back down towards the end):
So although $C$ might not be exactly correct, the error does appear to be staying somewhat constant and not growing.
Also note the approximation using the limit of the sum of $\phi(i)$ tends towards the other approximation:
DiscretePlot[{entropyApprox[k] - entropyVeryApprox[k]}, {k, 5000}]
Note: all Analysis is for even $k ≥ 4$, this made things easier. This is fine since if you zoom out enough on entropy[k]
it appears smooth.
Means of the differences of S1[k]
Notice that the minimum value of Differences@S2[k]
\frac{1}{4 \left(\frac{k}{2}-1\right)^2-1}
min[k_] := 1/(4*(k/2 - 1)^2 - 1)
And @@ Table[Min@Differences@Sort@S2[k] == min[k], {k, 4, 100, 2}]
Next notice that the mean of the differences of S2[k]
divided by min[k]
approaches a constant, and it appears to be exactly $\frac{\pi^2}{2}$:
Table[Mean@Differences@Sort@S2[2^k]/(min[2^k]*Pi^2/2), {k, 2, 12}] //
(*{0.202642, 0.545576, 0.806434, 0.855284, 0.943945, 0.966921,
0.988094, 0.990977, 0.996279, 0.997858, 0.999265}*)
So the mean of the differences of S2[k]
for large k is
\frac{\pi^2}{2} * \frac{1}{4 \left(\frac{k}{2}-1\right)^2-1}
Also observe that for large $k$, the mean of $S1[k]$ is twice the mean of $S2[k]$:
Mean@Differences@Sort@S2[2^k], {k, 2, 12}] // N
(*{0.75, 1.21875, 1.42917, 1.81534, 1.84152, 1.9333, 1.95468, 1.98692,
1.99061, 1.99604, 1.99716}*)
So the mean of the differences of S1[k]
for large k is
\frac{\pi^2}{4 \left(\frac{k}{2}-1\right)^2-1}
min[k_] := 1/(4*(k/2 - 1)^2 - 1)
meanDiffS1[k_] := Pi^2 * min[k]
meanDiffS2[k_] := meanDiffS1[k]/2
Lengths of S1[k]
, S2[k]
It can be shown that the length of S1[k]
\mathrm{length ~of~ S1[k]} = \sum _i^{\frac{k}{2}} \phi (2 i)
While the length of S2[k]
is the same sum but over the odds plus 1:
\mathrm{length ~of~ S2[k]} = 1 + \sum _i^{\frac{k}{2}} \phi (2 i -1)
Table[Length@S1[k] - Sum[EulerPhi[2 i], {i, k/2}], {k, 4, 100,
2}] // DeleteDuplicates
Table[Length@S2[k] - (1 + Sum[EulerPhi[2 i - 1], {i, k/2}]), {k, 4,
100, 2}]
And the Differences
of S1
and S2
will just have this length minus 1:
lenDiffS1[k_] := Sum[EulerPhi[2 i], {i, k/2}] - 1
lenDiffS2[k_] := Sum[EulerPhi[2 i - 1], {i, k/2}]
Total of P1[k]
Now observe the Total
of Diffferences@S1[k]
totS1[k_] := (k - 2)/k
Table[Total@Differences@S1[k] - totS1[k], {k, 4, 100,
2}] // DeleteDuplicates
While the total of S2[k]
is always 1:
Table[Total@Differences@S2[k] - 1, {k, 4, 100, 2}] // DeleteDuplicates
meaning that the total of P1[k]
is $ 1 + \frac{k-2}{k}$
totS1[k_] := (k - 2)/k
totP[k_] := 1 + totS1[k]
Table[Total@P1[k] - totP[k], {k, 4, 100, 2}] // DeleteDuplicates
Adding together entropy contributions of S1[k]
and S2[k]
Since we know the mean of the differences of S1
and S2
and their respective lengths, and the total of P1
, we can calculate mean contributions (very roughly, I would much prefer to find the mean of each elements entropy -U1[k]*Log2[U1[k]
but I couldn't find a regular behavior to this) of S1
and S2
to the entropy:
contribS1[k_] :=
contribS2[k_] :=
totEntropy[k_] := contribS2[k] + contribS2[k]
And simplifying:
Simplify[totEntropy1[k], k \[Element] PositiveIntegers]
(*-1/2*(k*Pi^2*Log[(k*Pi^2)/(4*(-3 + k)*(-1 + k)^2)]*Sum[EulerPhi[-1 + 2*i], {i, k/2}])/((-3 + k)*(-1 + k)^2*Log[2])*)
gives us:
\mathrm{entropy}(k) \approx -\frac{\pi ^2 k \log \left(\frac{\pi ^2 k}{4 (k-3) (k-1)^2}\right) \sum _i^{\frac{k}{2}} \phi (2 i-1)}{2 (k-3) (k-1)^2 \log (2)}
Which appears to be off by a constant value that might be around $\log_2{\frac{\pi}{6}}$, although this is really just a guess
Ways to Improve
Describing the Distribution of $S_i[k]$
Note that using the means of the differences of S1
and S2
is kind of a sin, because in the end it gets transformed by -U1[k] *Log2[U1[k]
. The distributions of S1[k]
and S2[k]
are also not tightly distributed about the mean:
frameLabels = {"\!\(\*FractionBox[\(differences\), \(mean\)]\)",
s1Hist =
Histogram[Differences@S1[2^12]/meanDiffS1[2^12], "FreedmanDiaconis",
"Probability", Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> frameLabels,
LabelStyle -> Directive[Bold, Medium]]
s2Hist =
Histogram[Differences@S2[2^12]/meanDiffS2[2^12], "FreedmanDiaconis",
"Probability", Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> frameLabels,
LabelStyle -> Directive[Bold, Medium]]
The shape of the distributions of S1
and S2
appear identical, and for sufficiently large k
the shape appears to approach whatever this distribution is. If someone can describe this distribution better than just using the mean, this could improve estimates on entropy[k]
Describing the mean of e[k] := -U1[k]* Log2[U1[k]]
An even better improvement would be for describing the mean of each individual entropy in the list -U1[k] * Log2[U1[k]]
. This would exactly describe entropy[k]
since it's just the sum of the individual entropies.
I originally hoped to do this, but I could find no regular pattern in how the mean of -U1[k] * Log[k]
e[k_] := e[k] = -U1[k]*Log2[U1[k]]
Table[Mean[e[2^k]]/(-min[2^k]*Log2[min[2^k]]), {k, 2, 13}] // N
(*{0.873814, 1.37538, 1.95718, 2.26098, 2.5353, 2.6853, 2.79824, \
2.8629, 2.91559, 2.9536, 2.98467, 3.00889}*)
I could guess that Mean[e[k]
looks something like -x * min[k]*Log2[x*min[k]]
or -x * min[k]*Log2[min[k]]
but the ratio isn't really slowing down enough for me to confidently say that Mean[e[k]
is related to the entropy of min[k]
like this.
If someone can find an approximate relationship for the mean of the entropy:
\mathrm{Mean(e(k))} \approx g(k)
Then we can probably get a much better approximation since we know the length of e[k]
to be
\mathrm{Length~of~e(k)} = \sum _i^{k} \phi (i)-1
\mathrm{entropy}(k) \approx g(k) \sum _i^{k} \phi (i)-1
And using the asymptotic limit of $\sum _i^{k} \phi (i)$:
\mathrm{entropy}(k) \approx g(k) (3 \frac{k^2}{\pi^2} - 2)
It may be helpful to note that e[k]
also has a distribution which has a constant shape for large k
, but I don't know how to describe this distribution either:
eHist = Histogram[e[2^12], "FreedmanDiaconis", "Probability",
Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> {"individual entropy values", "prob."},
LabelStyle -> Directive[Bold, Medium]]
Additional comment for further exploration
Notice that S1
and S2
can be defined recursively by finding the coprimes of k
in Range[k]
coprimes[k_] := Select[Range@k, CoprimeQ[#, k] &]
newS1Elems[k_] := newS1Elems[k] = If[EvenQ[k], coprimes[k]/k, {}]
newS2Elems[k_] := newS2Elems[k] = If[OddQ[k], coprimes[k]/k, {}]
And then initialize and S1
and S2
and Join
the new elements:
S1New[1] = {};
S1New[k_] := S1New[k] = Join[S1New[k - 1], newS1Elems[k]] // Sort
S2New[1] = {0, 1};
S2New[k_] := S2New[k] = Join[S2New[k - 1], newS2Elems[k]] // Sort
I don't think this will speed up calculating entropy
, but I'm wondering if thinking about it this way will bring any new insights.
F[r_]:= F[r] = Range[0, r]/r
We can show that for evenk
,entropyEVEN[k_] := -((2^-IntegerExponent[k, 2] k Log[4] + k Log[2^(-2 + IntegerExponent[k, 2])] - 2 (-1 + k) Log[-1 + k])/( 2 (-1 + k) Log[2]))
I am trying to find a way to extend this to whenF[r_] := F[r] = DeleteDuplicates[Flatten[Table[Range[0, t]/t, {t, r-1, r}]]]
,F[r_]:= ..., {t, r-2, r}]]]
, ... ,F[r_]:= ..., {t, 1, r}]]]
but it's quite difficult right now $\endgroup$entropy[k]
. (1)U1[k]
is a partition of the interval [0,1]. Therefore,entropy[k]
bounded from above by the valueLog[2,Length[U1[k]]]
, which is realized by dividing [0,1] evenly. (2) Using some knowledge of number theory, one can show thatU1[k]
is equal toSum[EulerPhi[j],{j,2,k}]
. This is also commented in OEIS. (3)Sum[EulerPhi[j],{j,1,k}]
is known as Totient Summatory Function, and its asymptotic series is known. $\endgroup$