How does one PROGRAMATICALLY generate enhanced CDFs under an Enterprise license? Undocumented options to CDFDeploy[] perhaps?. Wizard works fine for me, but attempts to do this programatically (from script) have defeated me - I just get standard CDFs labeled under the FreeCDF terms (this result with no code changes.) Can't find this in documentation.
1 Answer
I use this sequence of commands to generate Enterprise CDF:
(*Export to CDF*)
,WindowTitle->"My Title"
(*,WindowFrameElements -> {}*)(*Window does't close!*)
,PrivateNotebookOptions -> {"PluginToolbarEnabled" -> False}
,Background -> GrayLevel[0.2]
As @RolfMertig said, the "secret" is in "Target"->"PlayerPro"
inside CDFDeploy
of CDFDeploy. $\endgroup$