
V 14.1 seems to have introduced another annoying eye candy feature. When the cursor is next to a symbol in an expression, all matching symbols become dark blue at same time.

I find this distracting. How can I disable it? This was not there in version 14.0. I am using Windows 10.

Here is an example of this behavior:

  DSolve[x''[t] + x'[t] + 3 x[t] == 0, x, t   ]

enter image description here

There is no such effect in version 14.0:

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


Set "SemanticSelectionHighlighting" in CodeAssistOptions to False with:

SetOptions[$FrontEnd, CodeAssistOptions -> 
  {"SemanticSelectionHighlighting" -> False}]

to disable this new feature, which

/.../ helps in reading code /.../ [and is] an enhanced version of something that’s actually common in IDEs.

If you want to completely disable all dynamic highlighting in the front end, use:

SetOptions[$FrontEnd, CodeAssistOptions -> {"DynamicHighlighting" -> False}]

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