I am trying to make a function the will find that value of $x$ in the following equation: $x.a=b$
all values of $x, a, b$ are matrices. The dimensions of $x$ are unknown, but $a$ and $b$ have the same dimensions of $n*8$ where $n$ depends on the matrix used in the function
I am to understand that the dimensions of $x$ are going to be $n*n$ so that the shapes of the matrix are compatible in the equation.
The functions arguments are simply $a$ and $b$, and I tried setting it up as follows:
GetValueOfX[a_,b_] := Solve[x.a==b,x]
But when I try put in values for $a$ and $b$, I get the following error:
Solve::nsmet : This system cannot be solved with the methods available to Solve.
I am very confused by this, is it telling me there are an infinite number of outcomes (I googled the error and this was a common cause) or is this kind of Matrix Multiplication incompatible with Solve as it does not know the dimensions of $x$. And more importantly, is there always going to be an answer?
The values I tested were:
P.S. if you want to know, those matrices are the character codes of a phrase and that is how I got them.