
I'm trying to show that there exists some transformation of variables between the following two expressions such that they are equivalent.

expr1 = a1  a2 + 1/(a1  a2) + a1  a3 + 1/(a1  a3) + a1 + 1/a1 + 
   a3/a2 + a2/a3 + a2 + 1/a2 + a3 + 1/a3;
expr2 = z1/z2^2 + z2^2/z1 + z1/z3^2 + 1/(z2  z3) + z1^2/(z2  z3) + 
   z2/(z1  z3) + z1  z2/z3 + z3/(z1  z2) + z1  z3/z2 + z2  z3 + 
   z2  z3/z1^2 + z3^2/z1;

I have tried the following brute force method:

expr = 3 + z1^(-1) + z1 + z2^(-1) + 1/(z1*z2) + z2 + z1*z2 + 
   z3^(-1) + 1/(z1*z3) + z2/z3 + z3 + z1*z3 + z3/z2;

expr2 = 3 + z1/z2^2 + z2^2/z1 + z1/z3^2 + 1/(z2*z3) + z1^2/(z2*z3) + 
   z2/(z1*z3) + z1*z2/z3 + z3/(z1*z2) + z1*z3/z2 + z2*z3 + 
   z2*z3/z1^2 + z3^2/z1;

found = False;
counter = 0
Do[new = 
   expr /. {z1 -> z1^a*z2^b*z3^c, z2 -> z1^d*z2^e*z3^f, 
     z3 -> z1^g*z2^h*z3^i};
  counter = counter + 1;
  If[Simplify[new == expr2], 
   Print["Found solution: ", {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i}];
   found = True;
   Break[];], {a, -1, 1}, {b, -1, 1}, {c, -1, 1}, {d, -1, 1}, {e, -1, 
   1}, {f, -1, 1}, {g, -1, 1}, {h, -1, 1}, {i, -1, 1}];

If[! found, Print["No solution found"]];

However this takes far too long already, and the necessary range may be {-2,2}. I have also tried:

expr1 = a1 a2 + 1/(a1 a2) + a1 a3 + 1/(a1 a3) + a1 + 1/a1 + a3/a2 + a2/a3 + a2 + 1/a2 + a3 + 1/a3;
expr2 = z1/z2^2 + z2^2/z1 + z1/z3^2 + 1/(z2 z3) + z1^2/(z2 z3) + z2/(z1 z3) + z1 z2/z3 + z3/(z1 z2) + z1 z3/z2 + z2 z3 + z2 z3/z1^2 + z3^2/z1;

transformations = {a1 -> z1^a * z2^b * z3^c, a2 -> z1^d * z2^e * z3^f, a3 -> z1^g * z2^h * z3^i};

transformedExpr1 = expr1 /. transformations;

eq = Simplify[transformedExpr1 == expr2];

solution = Reduce[eq, {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i}, Reals]


This also did not seem to terminate. How can I solve this problem more efficiently? An ideal output would be some transformation:

{a1 -> z2*z3, a2 -> z1/z2, a3 -> z1/z3} or something like this.

Thank you very much.


1 Answer 1


I guess there is no easy way to tackle such problem in general. But in the try and error approach I will explain below, Mathematica will be of great help.

You want the change of variables (a1,a2,a3) and (z1,z2,z3) such that exponent vectors are related by a linear transformation with integral coefficients. So, following geometric approach is possible (probably you know Newton polytopes):

  1. List up the exponent (3-dim) vectors.
  2. Using these vectors as vertex coordinates, construct a convex polyhedron for each expression.
  3. Compare the polytopes of those points and find a candidate 3d linear transformation.

Now, let's try.

expr1=a1 a2+1/(a1 a2)+a1 a3+1/(a1 a3)+a1+1/a1+a3/a2+a2/a3+a2+1/a2+a3+1/a3;
expr2=z1/z2^2+z2^2/z1+z1/z3^2+1/(z2 z3)+z1^2/(z2 z3)+z2/(z1  z3)+z1 z2/z3+z3/(z1 z2)+z1 z3/z2+z2 z3+z2 z3/z1^2+z3^2/z1;

Prepare a small tool expvec to obtain exponent vectors.

expvec[f_, vars_List] := 
  Table[Exponent[term, v], {term, List @@ f}, {v, vars}];

v1 = expvec[expr1, {a1, a2, a3}]

(* {{-1,0,0},{1,0,0},{0,-1,0},{-1,-1,0},{0,1,0},{1,1,0},{0,0,-1},{-1,0,-1},{0,1,-1},{0,0,1},{1,0,1},{0,-1,1}}*)


(* {{1,-2,0},{-1,2,0},{1,0,-2},{0,-1,-1},{2,-1,-1},{-1,1,-1},{1,1,-1},{-1,-1,1},{1,-1,1},{0,1,1},{-2,1,1},{-1,0,2}}*)

(* Polyhedron[Number of points: 12 Number of faces: 14] *)

(* Polyhedron[Number of points: 12 Number of faces: 14] *)


polytope images

These two polyhedra have the same number of vertices and faces, so there is a good chance of having linear equivalent polyhedra.

The faces consist of triangles and quadrilaterals. So, pick a triangle t1 from polyhedron p1, and similarly t2 from p2.

(* {{0,-1,0},{0,0,-1},{1,0,0}} *)

(* {{1,-1,1},{1,-2,0},{2,-1,-1}} *)

Let's compute the linear transformation P which sends the vertices of t1 to those of t2:


(* {{2,-1,-1},{-1,1,-1},{-1,2,0}} *)

If you are lucky, this matrix P would realize the wanted change of variables.


(* {a1->z1^2/(z2 z3),a2->z2/(z1 z3),a3->z2^2/z1} *)


(* z1/z2^2+z2^2/z1+z1/z3^2+1/(z2 z3)+z1^2/(z2 z3)+z2/(z1 z3)+(z1 z2)/z3+z3/(z1 z2)+(z1 z3)/z2+z2 z3+(z2 z3)/z1^2+z3^2/z1 *)

(* True *)

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