
The known equation is:

(1 + 62 x)^99 + (62 - x)^99 == a0 + a1  x + a2  x^2 + a3  x^3 + ... + 
 a99  x^99


a0, a1, a3, ..., a99 \[Element] Reals


ak < 0, k \[Element] Integers, 0 <= k <= 99

Find the maximum value of k that satisfies ak < 0, where k is an integer and k is between 0 and 99 inclusive.

The table function was used to list all the coefficients, but the maximum value of k that satisfies the condition was not determined.

Table["a" <> ToString[k] <> "=" <> 
   Coefficient[(1 + 62 x)^99 + (62 - x)^99 // Expand, x, k]], {k, 0, 
  99, 1}]

From the data generated above, only the maximum value of k that meets the condition can be viewed.


3 Answers 3


This finds positions of all negative coefficients. You want the last one. But since the position of coefficient's position is indexed from 1 to 100 and you want them 0 to 99 you need to subtract 1.

CoefficientList[(1 + 62 x)^99 + (62 - x)^99, x];
Position[%, x_ /; x < 0]



You can use Sow and Reap:

p= (1 + 62 x)^99 + (62 - x)^99;

yields {49}


Use user-defined ZipWithIndexStartsFrom0 and DropWhile.

ZipWithIndexStartsFrom1 = MapIndexed[Labeled, #] &;
ZipWithIndexStartsFrom0 = MapIndexed[Labeled[#1, #2 - 1] &, #] &;
DropWhile = Drop[#, LengthWhile[#, #2]] &;

Table[Coefficient[(1 + 62 x)^99 + (62 - x)^99 // Expand, x, k], {k, 0, 99, 1}] 
// ZipWithIndexStartsFrom0
// Reverse 
// DropWhile[#, #[[1]] >= 0 &] & 
// TableForm

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