
I want to compute the following integral as a function of some positive real parameters, $a, \rho, \lambda$ and three positive real variables $L_a, L_b, L_c$:

hfun[h_, J1_, J2_] := Sign[h] (Abs[h] - (Abs[J2] - Abs[J1]))/2
Jfun[h_, J1_, J2_] := (Abs[J2] + Abs[J1] - Abs[h])/2
Field1Evolution[h_, J1_, J2_] := 
 Piecewise[{{Sign[h] J1, 
    Abs[J2] > Abs[J1] && 
     Abs[h] > Abs[J1] + Abs[J2]}, {Sign[J1] hfun[h, J1, J2], 
    Abs[J2] > Abs[J1] && (Abs[J2] + Abs[J1]) > 
      Abs[h] && (Abs[J2] - Abs[J1]) < Abs[h]}, {0, 
    Abs[J2] > Abs[J1] && (Abs[J2] - Abs[J1]) > Abs[h]}, {Sign[h] J1, 
    Abs[J1] > Abs[J2] && 
     Abs[h] > Abs[J2] + Abs[J1]}, {Sign[J1] hfun[h, J1, J2], 
    Abs[J1] > Abs[J2] && (Abs[J2] + Abs[J1]) > 
      Abs[h] && (Abs[J1] - Abs[J2]) < Abs[h]}, {Sign[J1] h, 
    Abs[J1] > Abs[J2] && (Abs[J1] - Abs[J2]) > Abs[h]}}]
Field2Evolution[h_, J1_, J2_] := 
 Piecewise[{{Sign[h] J2, 
    Abs[J2] > Abs[J1] && 
     Abs[h] > Abs[J1] + Abs[J2]}, {Sign[J2] hfun[h, J2, J1], 
    Abs[J2] > Abs[J1] && (Abs[J2] + Abs[J1]) > 
      Abs[h] && (Abs[J2] - Abs[J1]) < Abs[h]}, {Sign[J2] h, 
    Abs[J2] > Abs[J1] && (Abs[J2] - Abs[J1]) > Abs[h]}, {Sign[h] J2, 
    Abs[J1] > Abs[J2] && 
     Abs[h] > Abs[J2] + Abs[J1]}, {Sign[J2] hfun[h, J2, J1], 
    Abs[J1] > Abs[J2] && (Abs[J2] + Abs[J1]) > 
      Abs[h] && (Abs[J1] - Abs[J2]) < Abs[h]}, {0, 
    Abs[J1] > Abs[J2] && (Abs[J1] - Abs[J2]) > Abs[h]}}]
CouplingEvolution[h_, J1_, J2_] := 
    Abs[J2] > Abs[J1] && 
     Abs[h] > Abs[J1] + Abs[J2]}, {Sign[J1*J2] Jfun[h, J1, J2], 
    Abs[J2] > Abs[J1] && (Abs[J2] + Abs[J1]) > 
      Abs[h] && (Abs[J2] - Abs[J1]) < Abs[h]}, {Sign[J2] J1, 
    Abs[J2] > Abs[J1] && (Abs[J2] - Abs[J1]) > Abs[h]}, {0, 
    Abs[J1] > Abs[J2] && 
     Abs[h] > Abs[J2] + Abs[J1]}, {Sign[J1*J2] Jfun[h, J2, J1], 
    Abs[J1] > Abs[J2] && (Abs[J2] + Abs[J1]) > 
      Abs[h] && (Abs[J1] - Abs[J2]) < Abs[h]}, {Sign[J1] J2, 
    Abs[J1] > Abs[J2] && (Abs[J1] - Abs[J2]) > Abs[h]}}]
R32[h1_, h2_, J12_, J23_, J13_] := 
  Abs[J23 + CouplingEvolution[h1, J13, J12]] - 
   Abs[h2 + Field2Evolution[h1, J13, J12]]]
P[J_, L_] := -2 a L \[Lambda]^L DiracDelta[J] + 
Assuming[Element[{La, Lb, Lc, a, \[Rho], \[Lambda]}, PositiveReals], 
  P[J12, La]*P[J23, Lb]*P[J13, Lc]*
   R32[h1, h2, J12, J23, 
    J13], {J12, -\[Infinity], \[Infinity]}, {J13, -\[Infinity], \
\[Infinity]}, {J23, -\[Infinity], \[Infinity]}, {h1, -\[Infinity], \
\[Infinity]}, {h2, -\[Infinity], \[Infinity]}]] 

I expect something like the following function: $$ \frac{a^3}{\rho^2}\frac{L_aL_b+L_aL_c+L_cL_b}{L_a+L_b+L_c}\lambda^{L_a+L_b+L_c}\, . $$ I tried with the previous code but it seems like Mathematica cannot compute it all. Do you have any suggestion?

  • $\begingroup$ Can you, please, clarify what it is that you get as an output using this code, if anything? $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 30 at 3:13
  • $\begingroup$ When a big complicated problem won't finish I try to Simplify the problem and see what happens. In this case I tried Simplify[integrand,all6variablesofintegrationPositive] and that resulted in an expression independent of the integration times a simpler Piecewise which appears to have a value of either zero or one over each part of the domain. Pulling the independent expression outside the integral would help, but it still takes so long that I bailed out. Scaling the problem up to all six variables being positive or negative would likely take considerably longer. with many more parts $\endgroup$
    – Bill
    Commented Apr 30 at 5:34
  • $\begingroup$ @CATrevillian the function of $L_a,L_b,L_c$ I wrote as the "expected result$ may be the output of the last line, the Integrate. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 30 at 7:20
  • $\begingroup$ @Bill thanks for the comment, it is a good idea! $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 30 at 7:21


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