
(I'm not sure if the title of this question is appropriate, sorry!)

After defining selfApply function that resolves the mutual references contained in Association, I wrote the following code:

selfApply[x_Association] := x //. x;

u[a_] := Module[{f},
  f[t_] := t^2; (*f is actually intended to be non-Listable function *)
  selfApply@<|"x" -> 2 a, "y" -> (f /@ "x"), "z" -> "y"[[2]]|>

The result I expect is <|"x" -> {2, 4, 6}, "y" -> {4, 16, 36}, "z" -> 16|>, but the output is

Part::partd: Part specification y[[2]] is longer than depth of object.
<|"x" -> {2, 4, 6}, "y" -> {2, 4, 6}, "z" -> 4|>

with warning.

It is obvious that it stucks at the stage of evaluating f /@ "x" and "y"[[2]], so I tried to rewrite it as follows using RuleDelayed:

selfApply[x_Association] := x //. x;

u[a_] := Module[{f},
  f[t_] := t^2;
  selfApply@<|"x" -> 2 a, "y" :> f /@ "x", "z" :> "y"[[2]]|>
v = u[Range[3]]

and got outputs:

<|"x" -> {2, 4, 6}, "y" :> f$729435 /@ {2, 4, 6},"z" :> (f$729435 /@ {2, 4, 6})[[2]]|>
{4, 16, 36}

The results of v["y"],v["z"] are just what I want, but this behavior is uncomfortable in the following ways:

  1. It appears that f is not evaluated when the result is assigned to v, but is evaluated when specifically calling v["y"]. Because of this, calculation results are unsure just by calling v. Also, if the processing of f is complicated, there is a concern that performance will be affected because f will run every time an element of v is accessed.

  2. The scope of f defined in Module is leaking, and the definitions multiply with each execution. Example:

s; s; s;

and output:

{"f$", "f$9454", "f$9455", "f$9456"}

The definitions of the form f$* increases each time s is executed.

My naive idea of using Evaluate also didn't work:Evaluate /@ u[Range[3]] or AssociationMap[Evaluate, u[Range[3]]].

I feel like my idea of ​​using RuleDelayed is possibly fundamentally wrong... Is there any elegant solution?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ If you insist on selfApply (which I don't understand the motivation), //AssociationThread[Keys[#],Values[#]]& can evaluate the delayed values. $\endgroup$
    – Lacia
    Commented Nov 8, 2023 at 2:49
  • $\begingroup$ The scope of f is not leaking - it's the designed behaviour. Every time Module is evaluated, the local vars will be generated to ensure the uniqueness. Why enclose f? You can simply hide it in some other context. $\endgroup$
    – Lacia
    Commented Nov 8, 2023 at 2:51
  • $\begingroup$ I often use the strategy of selfApply when solving physical systems with a large number of parameters and their relationships mixed together. For example: selfApply@<|diam -> 1., dens -> 3., vel -> 2., area -> Pi (diam/2)^2, flux -> dens*vel*area|> , while I'm not sure if this way is common. $\endgroup$
    – user14061
    Commented Nov 8, 2023 at 3:53
  • $\begingroup$ Using AssociationThread looked trivial at first, but it seems to meet my needs successfully. Thank you! $\endgroup$
    – user14061
    Commented Nov 8, 2023 at 3:59
  • $\begingroup$ And yes, I know that local variables in a Module will be added to the global context. No matter how many times I run Module[{x}, x = 1]; Names["x*"], the result will be {x}, while the example I presented will multiply variables of the form f$* in the context each time it is run. This is what I'm concerned about since it can be interpreted as a kind of memory leak. $\endgroup$
    – user14061
    Commented Nov 8, 2023 at 4:13

1 Answer 1


Besides reconstruct the association via e.g. AssociationThread, you can also use the trick of in-place evaluation:

selfApply[x_Association] := x //. x;

u[a_] := Module[{f},
  f[t_] := t^2;
  <|"x" -> 2 a, "y" :> f /@ "x", "z" :> "y"[[2]]|>//selfApply//Replace[#,x_:>RuleCondition@x,{1}]&
v = u[Range[3]]

(*<|"x" -> {2, 4, 6}, "y" :> {4, 16, 36}, "z" :> 16|>*)

see e.g. https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/a/128456/86893. The undocumented RuleCondition (but quite stable across different versions) can also be replaced by documented functions, see e.g. https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/a/29318/86893


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