For example, I have a matrix A given by some parameters (a,b,c,d) and two variables (x,y), $$ A=\begin{pmatrix}a&a+bx\\(c-d)y&a(c+d)\end{pmatrix} $$ The condition is that A is a matrix independent of (x,y). Therefore, we find b=0 and c=d.
How should I do it in mathematica? Now I have a complicated 64-by-64 matrix with 32 parameters and 3 variables. So I want a general method to solve this problem.
SolveAlways[ Flatten[A] == Flatten[A /. {x -> 0, y -> 0}] // Thread, {x, y}]
would work, although I don't know how fast that will be on a 64 by 64 matrix. $\endgroup$