
Consider the minimal example

RegionPlot[{x^2 < y^3 + 1, y^2 < x^3 + 1}, {x, -2, 5}, {y, -2, 5}]

Then I can use

PlotStyle -> {Red, Yellow}
BoundaryStyle -> {1 -> Green, 2 -> Blue}

to, for example, set the red and yellow the first and second region, respectively. And also turn the boundaries green and blue in the same order.

The problem arises when I try to promote this change to a theme

  PlotStyle -> {Red, Yellow},
  BoundaryStyle -> {1 -> Green, 2 -> Blue}

Now applying this theme PlotTheme->"test" doesn't seem to work but in particular it turns all the boundaries black and thin.

Any thoughts on how to make this work? I prefer working with themes or something similar to keep my code cleaner.


1 Answer 1

System`PlotThemeDump`resolvePlotTheme["Default", "RegionPlot"]

enter image description here

You can customize the default theme of RegionPlot by changing the above output and name it as new theme "test" by the following code.

System`PlotThemeDump`resolvePlotTheme["test", p : "RegionPlot"] := 
   "RegionPlot"] /. {("DefaultBoundaryColor" -> _) -> 
    "DefaultBoundaryColor" -> {1 -> Green, 
      2 -> Blue}, ("DefaultColor" -> _) -> 
    "DefaultColor" -> {1 -> Red, 2 -> Yellow}}

RegionPlot[{x^2 < y^3 + 1, y^2 < x^3 + 1}, {x, -2, 5}, {y, -2, 5}, 
 PlotTheme -> "test"]

enter image description here


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