I don't find that, so I implemented some concepts by myself.
Any supplementation would be appreciated.
The number of boolean functions whose Fourier degree is exactly $d$ and inputBinaryWord length is $n$.
Here the Fourier degree of a boolean function $f:\{ -1,1 \}^n \rightarrow \{ -1,1 \}$ is its degree as a multilinear polynomial.
n = 2;
inputWords = Tuples[{-1, 1}, n];
outputResults = Tuples[{-1, 1}, 2^n];
expr = {Product[1/2 (1 + Subscript[a, i] Subscript[x, i]), {i, n}]}~
Join~Array[{Subscript[a, #], {-1, 1}} &, n];
allIndicatorFunctions = Flatten[Table @@ expr];
allBooleanFunctions =
Table[Expand[fa . allIndicatorFunctions], {fa, outputResults}];
allBooleanFunctions // TableForm
polynomialDegree[expr_] :=
Max[0, Max[Total@*First /@ CoefficientRules[expr]]];
(polynomialDegree /@ allBooleanFunctions) // Tally
The number of boolean functions $\{ -1, 1\}^{n} \rightarrow \{-1, 1 \}$ whose Fourier degree equals to $d$:
n\backslash d & 0 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 \\ \hline
1 & 2 & 2 & - & - & - & - & - & - & - \\
2 & 2 & 4 & 10 & - & - & - & - & - & - \\
3 & 2 & 6 & 62 & 186 & - & - & - & - & - \\
4 & 2 & 8 & 212 & 12648 & 52666 & - & - & - & - \\
\cdots & - & - & - & - & - & - & - & - & -
The diagonal elements are the diagonal elements in the array are sequence A037267.
The $i$'th influence of a boolean function
\operatorname{Inf}_i [f]=\mathrm{E}[(\frac{f-f^{\oplus i}}{2})^2]=\sum_{S \ni i} \hat{f}(S)^2
Where $f^{\oplus i}$ denotes the output obtained by flipping the $i $-th bit of the input vector.
iThInfluenceOfFunctionf[original_, bitsNumber_, ithBit_] :=
Module[{iThBitFlipped, expr},
iThBitFlipped =
original /. {Subscript[x, ithBit] -> -Subscript[x, ithBit]};
expr = {((original - iThBitFlipped)/2)^2}~Join~
Array[{Subscript[x, #], {-1, 1}} &, bitsNumber];
Table @@ (expr) // Flatten // Mean]
Table[iThInfluenceOfFunctionf[booleanFunction, n,
ithBit], {booleanFunction, allBooleanFunctions}, {ithBit, n}] //
Flatten // Tally
Total influence of $f$, namely, the average sensitivity
\operatorname{Inf}[f]=\sum_{i=1}^n \operatorname{Inf}_i[f]=\sum_S|S| \hat{f}(S)^2
The sensitivity of a boolean function $f$ at a given point is the number of coordinates $i$ such that if we flip the $i$'th coordinate, the value of the function changes. The average value of this quantity is exactly the total influence.
totalInfluenceOfFunctionf[f_, bitsNumber_] :=
Sum[iThInfluenceOfFunctionf[f, bitsNumber, ithBit], {ithBit,
totalInfluenceOfFunctionf[#, n] & /@ allBooleanFunctions
$\rho-$stable influence of a boolean function
\operatorname{Stab}_\rho[f]=\mathrm{E}_{x ; y \sim N_\rho(x)}[f(x) f(y)]=\sum_{S \subseteq[n]} \rho^{|S|} \hat{f}(S)^2
noiseStabilityOfFunctionf[f_, \[Rho]_] :=
CoefficientRules[f] //
Map[(\[Rho]^Total[#[[1]]])*(#[[2]])^2 &, #] & // Total
noiseStabilityOfFunctionf[#, \[Rho]] & /@ allBooleanFunctions
The noise sensitivity of $f$ at $0\leq \delta\leq 1$
If $f$ is boolean, then this is the probability that the value of $f$ changes if we flip each coordinate with probability $\delta$, independently.
noiseSensitivityOfFuncitonf[f_, \[Delta]_ ] :=
1/2 - 1/2*noiseStabilityOfFunctionf[f, 1 - 2 \[Delta]] // Expand
noiseSensitivityOfFuncitonf[#, \[Delta]] & /@ allBooleanFunctions
$L_q-$norm of a boolean function
\|f\|_q=\sqrt[q]{\mathrm{E}\left[|f|^q\right]} .
LqNormOfFunctionf[f_, bitsNumber_, q_] := Module[{expr},
expr = {Abs[f]^q}~Join~
Array[{Subscript[x, #], {-1, 1}} &, bitsNumber];
Table @@ expr // Flatten // Mean // (#^(1/q)) &];
Table[LqNormOfFunctionf[f, n, 2], {f, allBooleanFunctions}]
$L_{\infty}-$norm of a boolean function
\|f\|_{\infty}=\max _{x \in\{-1,1\}^n}|f(x)| .
LInfinityNormOfFunctionf[f_, bitsNumber_] :=
expr = {Abs[f]}~Join~Array[{Subscript[x, #], {-1, 1}} &, bitsNumber];
Max[Flatten[Table @@ expr]]]
LInfinityNormOfFunctionf[#, n] & /@ allBooleanFunctions