
Im trying to use ContourPlot to plot this function, but it's just giving me a blank graph. What's wrong?

My input:

ContourPlot[(3 (-2)^2 - 1) (x^2 + y^2) - 2 xy + 5 (-2) (x + y) - 
   2 (-2)^2 == 0, {x, -100, 100}, {y, -100, 100}]
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ You have to be careful when multiplying two variables. You have to either put a multiplication symbol (*) between them, or a space. So, change xy to either x*y or x y. $\endgroup$
    – Domen
    Commented May 23, 2023 at 11:38
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Welcome to the Mathematica Stack Exchange. If you have started learning Mathematica, then you will find that the introductory book written by the inventor is a good learning resource. There is a fast intro for math students as well as a fast intro for programmers to choose from. $\endgroup$
    – Syed
    Commented May 23, 2023 at 12:48

1 Answer 1


Edited * sign and add PlotRange. Hope what you want!

ContourPlot[(3 (-2)^2 - 1) (x^2 + y^2) - 2 x*y + 5 (-2) (x + y) - 
   2 (-2)^2 == 0, {x, -100, 100}, {y, -100, 100}, 
 PlotRange -> Automatic]

enter image description here


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