I want to find the vector potential component's. I expand the Poisson’s equation in cylindrical coordinates which yields the three equations as in the picture. The equation along rho direction equal zero. The symbols e, hpar, m ,l, k, and N are constants. I try to use Mathematica to find them by solve the three related equations together but the results doesn't make sense. Any help!!
My code is
Assuming[\[Rho] >= 0 && Element[l, Integers] && Element[e, Integers] &&
Element[\[HBar], Integers] && Element[B, Integers] &&
Element[m, Integers] && Element[k, Integers],
D[\[Rho]*D[X[\[Rho]], \[Rho]], \[Rho]] - (l^2/\[Rho]^2)*
X[\[Rho]] +
k^2*X[\[Rho]] + (1/\[Rho]^2)*X[\[Rho]] - ((2*Il)/\[Rho]^2)*
Y[\[Rho]] == 0,
D[\[Rho]*D[Y[\[Rho]], \[Rho]], \[Rho]] + (1/\[Rho]^2)*l^2*
Y[\[Rho]] + k^2*Y[\[Rho]] -
Y[\[Rho]]/\[Rho]^2) + (2/\[Rho]^2)*
IlX[\[Rho]] == (eB\[HBar]l*BesselJ[l, k\[Rho]]^2)/
m\[Rho]}, {X[\[Rho]], Y[\[Rho]]}, \[Rho]]]
Assuming[\[Rho] >= 0 && Element[l, Integers] && Element[e, Integers] &&
Element[\[HBar], Integers] && Element[B, Integers] &&
Element[m, Integers] && Element[k, Integers],
D[\[Rho]*D[A[\[Rho]], \[Rho]], \[Rho]] - (l^2/\[Rho]^2)*
A[\[Rho]] - k^2*A[\[Rho]] == (eB\[HBar]k*BesselJ[l, k\[Rho]]^2)/
m, A[\[Rho]], \[Rho]]]