
I want to find the vector potential component's. I expand the Poisson’s equation in cylindrical coordinates which yields the three equations as in the picture. The equation along rho direction equal zero. The symbols e, hpar, m ,l, k, and N are constants. I try to use Mathematica to find them by solve the three related equations together but the results doesn't make sense. Any help!!

My code is

Assuming[\[Rho] >= 0 && Element[l, Integers] && Element[e, Integers] && 
  Element[\[HBar], Integers] && Element[B, Integers] && 
  Element[m, Integers] && Element[k, Integers], 
      D[\[Rho]*D[X[\[Rho]], \[Rho]], \[Rho]] - (l^2/\[Rho]^2)*
      X[\[Rho]] + 
     k^2*X[\[Rho]] + (1/\[Rho]^2)*X[\[Rho]] - ((2*Il)/\[Rho]^2)*
      Y[\[Rho]] == 0, 
        D[\[Rho]*D[Y[\[Rho]], \[Rho]], \[Rho]] + (1/\[Rho]^2)*l^2*
        Y[\[Rho]] + k^2*Y[\[Rho]] - 
       Y[\[Rho]]/\[Rho]^2) + (2/\[Rho]^2)*
      IlX[\[Rho]] == (eB\[HBar]l*BesselJ[l, k\[Rho]]^2)/
     m\[Rho]}, {X[\[Rho]], Y[\[Rho]]}, \[Rho]]]
Assuming[\[Rho] >= 0 && Element[l, Integers] && Element[e, Integers] && 
  Element[\[HBar], Integers] && Element[B, Integers] && 
  Element[m, Integers] && Element[k, Integers], 
     D[\[Rho]*D[A[\[Rho]], \[Rho]], \[Rho]] - (l^2/\[Rho]^2)*
     A[\[Rho]] - k^2*A[\[Rho]] == (eB\[HBar]k*BesselJ[l, k\[Rho]]^2)/
    m, A[\[Rho]], \[Rho]]]

The three equations

  • $\begingroup$ Show us your code, please. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 20, 2023 at 22:58
  • $\begingroup$ Welcome to Mathematica S.E. To start: 1) take the introductory tour now, 2) when you see good questions and answers, vote them up by clicking the gray triangles, since the credibility of the system is based on the reputation gained by users sharing their knowledge, 3) consider accepting the answer, if any, that solves your problem, by clicking checkmark sign, 4) give help too, by answering questions in your areas of expertise. $\endgroup$
    – bmf
    Commented Mar 21, 2023 at 3:10

1 Answer 1


Two fundamental advices for physicists:

  • Mention the name of the equation you are copying from literature, in this case "Helmholtz vector equation for the radial part of a cylindrical field" arising from the "Schrödinger equation".

  • write physical constants by there names mass, charge, plancks etc-

Advice for Mathematica beginners: Don't use implicit multiplication. It makes error detection nearly impossible expecially if narrow fonts come into use as here.

Because of personal interest I nevertheless decoded your first equation

     Assuming[\[Rho] >= 0 && {l, e, \[HBar], B, m, k} \[Element]  Integers,
 With[{Dr = (1/\[Rho]*D[\[Rho]*D[#, \[Rho]], \[Rho]] &)},
  DSolve[{Dr[X[\[Rho]]] - (l^2 - 1)/\[Rho]^2* X[\[Rho]] + 
      k^2* X[\[Rho]] - (2 Il)/\[Rho] * Y[\[Rho]] == 0,
    Dr[Y[\[Rho]]] + (l^2 - 1)/\[Rho]^2 *Y[\[Rho]] + 
      k^2* Y[\[Rho]] + (2 Il)/\[Rho] * X[\[Rho]] ==  (e* B * \[HBar] )/
      m * 1/\[Rho] * BesselJ[l, k \[Rho]] }, {X[\[Rho]], 
    Y[\[Rho]]}, \[Rho]] ]]

Out= $Aborted

Of course Mathematica is unable to solve this inhomogeneous system of coupled equations. But the system needs infinite time to find out. Its a kind of the

Wikipedia Halting problem

The solutions can be found in Moon/Spencer A Field Theory Handbook

There exist free download adresses in the internet, at least via a student account. A secondary source is

PDF Handbook of Differntial equations

  • $\begingroup$ I did not find the solution at the references you mentioned !! $\endgroup$
    – sara
    Commented Apr 2, 2023 at 21:00

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