I am trying to create a GeoRegionValuePlot-like graph with:
- Land coloured Red or Blue, depending on a numerical value.
- Thin black borders around the states.
- A white background, showing nothing but the states I want to draw.
My closest attempt is to not use GeoRegionValuePlot at all:
(* Want Red *)
Polygon[Entity["AdministrativeDivision", {"NewSouthWales", "Australia"}]],
(* Want Blue *)
Polygon[Entity["AdministrativeDivision", {"Victoria", "Australia"}]],
EdgeForm[{Thick, Black}]
GeoBackground -> White]
With GeoRegionValuePlot
, the best that I can do so far is GeoBackground -> None
, or GeoBackground -> {"CountryBorders", "Border" -> Black}
, but the latter option draws things other than the two states that I want. For example,
"AdministrativeDivision", {"NewSouthWales", "Australia"}] -> 1.5,
Entity["AdministrativeDivision", {"Victoria", "Australia"}] -> 2},
GeoBackground -> {"CountryBorders", "Border" -> Black},]
Q: How to custom style the land and borders of a GeoRegionValuePlot