I'm trying to export a simple plot like this one
myplot =
ListLogLogPlot[{{}, {}, {}}, PlotRange -> 10^{{1, 4}, {-10, 1}},
PlotStyle -> {Gray, Blue, Orange},
Frame -> True, Joined -> False,
AspectRatio -> 0.65,
FrameStyle -> 15, LabelStyle -> Directive[15, Black],
FrameLabel -> {{Style["", Italic, 18],
Style["", 18]}, {Style["", 18], None}},
Filling -> {4 -> {Top, Directive[Brown, Opacity[0.8]]}},
ImageSize -> Large,
PlotLegends -> {Placed[LineLegend[
{Style["Case A", 12], Style["Case B", 12],
Style["Case C", 12]},
LegendMarkers -> {Graphics[{Gray, Disk[{0, 0}, {3, 3}]}],
Graphics[{Blue, Disk[{0, 0}, {3, 3}]}],
Graphics[{Orange, Disk[{0, 0}, {3, 3}]}]},
LegendFunction -> (Framed[#, RoundingRadius -> 5,
Background -> White] &),
LegendLayout -> {"Column", 1}], {0.75, 0.15}]},
PlotLabel ->
StringForm["Parameter X = `` and Parameter Y = ``", 1, 2], Black,
using the following line:
Export["Plot.png", myplot, ImageResolution -> 500];
Surprisingly, the PNG file has a problem with the tile:
that goes away if I remove the legend, which I need --of course:
What could be the issue? Thanks.