You should send this to the support. Please include the Mathematica Version, operating system version and the sequence of commands that cause the crash.
There is no data dump you can send. The most important thing for the support is to be able to reproduce the issue. Once that is done a number of things happen: Is this a known issue? If yes, is it fixed in the development version, is there a workaround for the customer.... If the issue is unknown a bug is filed and developer is involved. The developer then needs to track the issue down. A crash typically involves running Mathmatica in a debugger to find the root of the crash. A fix needs to be made and possibly a workaround suggested. A test for the test suite needs to be generated to avoid a regression in the future. These are a few steps to illustrate what happens when a bug report has come to the support.
I'd also point out that crashes are taken particularly serious by the support as the are always an major inconvenience for anyone.