I am trying to solve a system of five equations and five variables w.r.t. one of them. I do not understand I obtain the empty set if I try to solve
Solve[x+y==s && x==p*Cos[a] && y==q*Cos[b] && h^2+x^2==p^2 && h^2+y^2==q^2 && 0<a<\[Pi]/4 && 0<b<\[Pi]/4, {x}, Reals]
However, if I reduce the above equality system to a simple quadratic equation in $x$, I obtain a non-empty solution set:
Solve[(1/(Cos[a]^2))*x^2+(1+1/(Cos[b]^2))*s*x-s^2==0 && 0<a<\[Pi]/4 && 0<b<\[Pi]/4, {x}, Reals]
Please find attached this screenshot:
Could you please help me to understand where is the error?