This is a topic that has been discussed before, but after reading other posts I could not find a solution that applies for my specific case.
I have the following integral, which I need to evalutate at $n=1,2,3,4...$ and $a=0.1$:
$$ I(n)=\int_{-\pi}^{\pi} {\rm{d}}x \frac{\Gamma(n,0,2ix)}{(1+iax)^n}.$$
The problem is that Integrate
and NIntegrate
seem to yield different results for sufficiently large $n$. Numerical integration with $a=0.1$ leads to
a = 1/10;
Table[NIntegrate[Gamma[n, 0, 2 I x]/(1 + I a x)^n, {x, -\[Pi], \[Pi]}], {n, 1,6}] // Chop
{5.82505, 9.23019, 42.4493, 117.67, -303.323, -4233.64}
However, integrating first and then substituting $a=0.1$ returns the following values:
T = Table[Integrate[Gamma[n, 0, 2 I x]/(1 + I a x])^n, {x, -\[Pi], \[Pi]}, Assumptions->a>0],
{n, 1, 6}];
{5.82505, 9.22998, 41.7814, 0.951343, -26457.8, -3.06652*10^6}
which only agree with numerical integration for $n=1$ and then they become very different. Interestingly, using Integrate
with $a=0.1$ yields another different set of values:
a = 1/10;
TT = Table[Integrate[Gamma[n, 0, 2 I x]/(1 + I a x)^n, {x, -\[Pi], \[Pi]}, Assumptions -> a > 0], {n, 1, 6}];
TT // N // Chop
{5.82505, 9.23058, 42.4145, 164.712 + 1.19844*10^-9 I, 0, 701973.}
All these evaluations occur without mathematica returning any errors. What is happening here? Which values are the correct ones?
Things that I know/ tried:
- The integral is real, as the imaginary part of the integrand is an odd function of x.
is necessary, since for arbitrary $a$ the default solution mathematica returns is valid in the complex plane of $a$ minus the positive real axis.- From external arguments, the values that I am most inclined to trust are those from exact integration for arbitrary a>0 and then numerical evaluation at a=0.1 (the second set of numbers).
- The integrand oscillates more and more the higher $n$ is, and I believe
may have problems getting the right answer for highly oscillatory integrands. However, since it does not return any error I do not know if this is the issue. - The problem persists if I use
to work with smaller numbers. - The problem persists if I increase numerical precision (I am not very familiar with how numerical precision should be managed, maybe I am doing it the wrong way: I increase
I've read similar posts in which integration methods for NIntegrate
such as ExtrapolatingOscillatory
and DoubleExponentialOscillatory
where suggested, but as far as I know those only work for integrals with infinite range.
. $\endgroup$Chop
transform something of order $10^6$ into $4233$? $\endgroup$N
, only 6 digits of precision were kept in each of the many terms and the total evaluation was wrong. With @user293787 command, 100 digits are kept in the evaluation, which drastically changes the result. Numerical integration was right all along. $\endgroup$Chop[N[...]]
is not important, that was just to produce a compact output. The main thing isN[T,100]
. It seems that there are considerable cancellations among terms that lead to large errors with machine precisionN
. You could look atN[N[List@@@Expand[T],100]]
to see the cancellations. $\endgroup$