For Plot3D
, I can use the method here to compute vertex normals,
With[{f = Function[{x, y}, x^2 + y^2]},
Plot3D[f[x, y], {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2}, Mesh -> None,
NormalsFunction ->
Function[{x, y}, Evaluate[Cross @@ Transpose[D[{x, y, f[x, y]}, {{x, y}}]]]]]
I wonder how to compute vertex normals for ParametricPlot3D
, I've tried
With[{para = {Sin[u] Cos[v] , Sin[u] Sin[v], Cos[u]}},
ParametricPlot3D[para, {u, 0, Pi}, {v, 0, 2 Pi}, Mesh -> None,
NormalsFunction ->
Function[{u, v}, Evaluate[Cross @@ Transpose[D[para, {{u, v}}]]]]]
It looks bad. Do you know how the default NormalsFunction
is defined, or how can I define a suitable function?