I have this system of three equation that mathematica does not resolve.
x = 1005790/1000000;
y = 3012034/1000000;
varx = 9979050/1000000;
vary = 12985206/1000000;
covxy = 9986968/1000000;
z = 3614929/1000000;
varz = 25466937/1000000;
z3 = 323087800/1000000;
eq1 = z == av + at*x + a1*y
eq2 = varz == at^2 *varx + a1^2 *vary + 2*covxy *a1*at
eq3 = (av + x*at + a1*y)^3 +3*(av + x*at + a1*y)*(at^2 *varx + a1^2 * vary + 2* at*a1* covxy) == z3
FindRoot[{eq1 , eq2, eq3}, {{av, 0.4}, {at, 0.7}, {a1, 1.1}}]
Reduce[{eq1 , eq2, eq3}, {av, at, a1}]
Reduce return False and FindRoot is printing the error: FindRoot::jsing: Encountered a singular Jacobian at the point {av,at,a1} = {0.4,0.7,1.1}. Try perturbing the initial point(s). But even if I change the initial points by a Little, The program is unable to solve the equations. I have plotted the three equations minus the known term, and graphically it seems that there is a solution (I fixed av to the correct value, and I see that the three functions are near zero at the same point).
code to plot:
prim[av_, at_, a1_] := av + at*x + a1*y - z;
sec [av_, at_, a1_] := at^2 *varx + a1^2 *vary + 2*covxy *a1*at - varz;
terz [av_, at_, a1_] := (av + x*at + a1*y)^3 +
3*(av + x*at + a1*y)*(at^2 *varx + a1^2 * vary +
2* at*a1* covxy) - z3;
Plot3D[{prim[0.1, at, a1], sec[0.1, at, a1], terz[0.1, at, a1]}, {at,
0.4, 0.6}, {a1, 0.9, 1.1}]