Yes, you can pass a function of the form usermethod[expr, k]
to Method
, although I cannot find any documentation for it:
Sum[expr, k, Method -> usermethod]
The specification usermethod
should be a Symbol
or a string. A non-string is passed through ToExpression[ToString[usermethod]]
, so if it is a non-symbol expression, it needs to make the round-trip unaltered. A good way to do this is to use SetOptions
on ToString
to set FormatType -> InputForm
. A string value for usermethod
is passed directly through ToExpression
and putting string quotes around a complicated expression for usermethod
can be an easier way than SetOptions
. See multitest
, lct
and the Update below for examples.
The return values are handled thus:
Result |
Meaning |
True |
Converges |
False |
Diverges |
$Failed |
Indeterminate; SumConvergence unevaluated |
unevaluated |
Indeterminate; SumConvergence unevaluated |
Garbage |
Garbage |
An example of garbage:
foo[expr_, k_] := Umm ...;
SumConvergence[1 - Cos[Pi/n], n, Method -> foo]
(* Umm ... *)
It is as though the test is treated as successful and the user-defined return value is assumed to have some meaning for the user.
Example: Bertrand's test
bertrand[expr_, k_] := Module[{ratio, res},
ratio = Together[(expr /. k -> k + 1)/expr];
res = Limit[Log[k] (k (1/ratio - 1) - 1), k -> Infinity];
res > 1 /; FreeQ[res, Limit | Indeterminate] && res != 1
SumConvergence[1 - Cos[Pi/n], n, Method -> bertrand]
(* True *)
The Automatic
method is unsuccessful:
SumConvergence[1 - Cos[Pi/n], n, Method -> Automatic]
(* SumConvergence[1 - Cos[π/n], n, Method -> Automatic] *)
Example: Multiple tests
Unfortunately, one cannot specify a list of methods for SumConvergence[]
to try (even though Automatic
tries many, many tests).
multitest // ClearAll;
multitest[tests_List][expr_, k_] :=
With[{res = SumConvergence[expr, k, Method -> #]},
If[FreeQ[res, SumConvergence], Throw@res]] & /@ tests;
SumConvergence[1 - Cos[Pi/n], n,
Method -> "multitest[{Automatic, bertrand}]"]
(* True *)
One limitation on multitest
is that the methods in tests
are passed through ToExpression
twice. Since these are not strictly inverse operations, some things are difficult to manage (see below).
Example: Limit Comparison Test
lct // ClearAll;
lct[expr2_][expr_, k_] :=
Module[{res2, res1, res},
res2 = SumConvergence[Abs@expr2, k];
(res1 = Limit[Abs[expr/expr2], k -> Infinity];
res = $Failed;
If[res2 && TrueQ[0 <= res1 < Infinity],
res = True,
If[! res2 && TrueQ[0 < res1 <= Infinity],
res = False]];
) /; MatchQ[res2, True | False]
SumConvergence[1 - Cos[Pi/n], n, Method -> "lct[1/n^2]"]
(* True *)
The following fails, because ToExpression
is called twice:
SumConvergence[1 - Cos[Pi/n], n,
Method -> multitest[{"lct[1/n]", "lct[1/n^2]"}]]
Here's how the second lct
gets clobbered:
(* lct[n] *)
By the way, ToString[expr, InputForm]
is more reliable....
Update: Fix to the limitations
Finally remembering the obvious, I checked the docs on ToString
, and a workaround stared me in the face: There's an option one set to get ToString
to use InputForm
SetOptions[ToString, FormatType -> InputForm];
SumConvergence[1 - Cos[Pi/n], n,
Method -> multitest[{lct[1/n], lct[1/n^2]}]]]
(* True *)