
EDIT: I've edited many times because the system gives errors when the body is modified all at once. I've simplified the problem. The simplification consists of having reduced the number of parameters from 2 to 1.

I find myselef in choosing by hand the right parameter that let ParametricNDSolve return the desidered solution. I'm sure there is an easy alternative, but I can't find it anywhere. I thank anyone who can help.

I have a two ODEs system depending on 1 parameter $k$. Thanks to ParametricNDSolve I get the desidered family of solutions $h[k](x)$ and $v[k](x)$, as expected. Furthermore, I know (from books) that the solution $v[k]$ behaves at large $x$ like $v[k](x)\sim \frac{A_{k}}{x}+\frac{B_{k}}{x^2}$, so I can fit the tail of the function $v[k]$ using NonlinearModelFit for any given value of $k$. I'm eventually interested in finding the value of the parameter $k$ with the particular property that the fit gives $A_{k}=0$ and $B_{k}\neq 0$. How can this be done?

For now I found by hand that the value $k=7.94$ kinda works, but an automated method would be much better. Here is the code:

rh = 1
rhb = rh*(1 + 0.01)
q = 2
m = -2
mu = 31

system = {
  f'[x] == g[x], 
  g'[x] == -2 g[x]/x + 
    2*(q^2)*f[x]*v[x]^2/(x^2 - ((rh)^3)/x),
  v'[x] == a[x],
  a'[x] == -((2 x + ((rh)^3)/x^2)/(x^2 - ((rh)^3)/x))*a[x] - 2*a[x]/x - (q^2)*(f[x]/(x^2 - ((rh)^3)/x))^2*v[x] + (m/(x^2 -(rh)^3/x))*v[x],
  (*initial conditions below*)
  f[rhb] == 0 , 
  f[100000000] == mu, 
  v[rhb] == k, 
  a[rhb] == ((m)/(3*rh))*(k)}; 
sol = ParametricNDSolve[system, {f, v}, {x, rhb, 1000000}, {k}];

datascalar[k_] = 
  Table[{i, Evaluate[v[k][x] /. sol] /. x -> i}, {i, 200, 100000}];
nlmscalar[k_] = NonlinearModelFit[datascalar[k], A/x + B/x^2, {A, B}, x]

As can be read from the last line of the code, I can make a fit for every value of $k$! For example if I choose $k=7.94$ (found by hand) i get

{B -> 203.147, A -> -0.00218232}

and $A$ is "close" to zero, but it's not zero. I just need an algorithm that finds the value of $k$ for which the fit gives A -> 0.. This value is supposed to be near $7.94$. Said otherwise, I want the code to vary $k$ until the fit gives {B -> "whatever it is", A -> 0.}.

  • $\begingroup$ We can solve it as a minimization problem - see my answer. $\endgroup$ Commented May 19, 2022 at 17:15
  • $\begingroup$ Did you remove boundary condition f'[rhb] == e while I used it in my answer? Also I see that you add new boundary condition f[100000000] == mu, and therefore we have new problem. This problem also has solution with NMinimize $\endgroup$ Commented May 22, 2022 at 17:11
  • $\begingroup$ Sorry I didn't read this comment. Yes, I slightly modified the code. I fixed the bc f[100000000]==mu (actually this should have been $f(\infty)=\mu$, physically amounting to fix the chemical potential to \mu). I'm still doing things by hand and the results I'm getting are fine. However, an automated method is still lacking. $\endgroup$ Commented May 26, 2022 at 12:37
  • $\begingroup$ My last attempt was to extrapolate the parameter $A$ from the fit as myA[k_] := A /. nlmscalar[k]["BestFitParameters"], and then minimize NMinimize[ Abs[myA[k]],k] but the last step doesn't work. $\endgroup$ Commented May 26, 2022 at 12:41
  • $\begingroup$ Is your equations taken from arxiv.org/pdf/0803.3295.pdf ? $\endgroup$ Commented May 26, 2022 at 12:49

1 Answer 1


We can use NMinimize to fit parameters as follows

rh = 1;
rhb = rh*(1 + 0.01);
q = 2;
m = -2;
mu = 31;

system = {f'[x] == g[x], 
   g'[x] == -2 g[x]/x + 2*(q^2)*f[x]*v[x]^2/(x^2 - ((rh)^3)/x), 
   v'[x] == a[x], 
   a'[x] == -((2 x + ((rh)^3)/x^2)/(x^2 - ((rh)^3)/x))*a[x] - 
     2*a[x]/x - (q^2)*(f[x]/(x^2 - ((rh)^3)/x))^2*
      v[x] + (m/(x^2 - (rh)^3/x))*v[x],(*initial conditions below*)
   f[rhb] == 0, g[rhb] == e, v[rhb] == k, a[rhb] == ((m)/(3*rh))*(k)};
sol = ParametricNDSolve[system, {f, v}, {x, rhb, 10000}, {k, e}];
solm = 
    Table[A/x + B/x^2 - Evaluate[v[k, e][x] /. sol] /. x -> i, {i, 
      200, 10000, 100}]], {k > 0, e > 0, A < 0, B > 0}}, {k, e, A, B}]

(*Out[]= {1.72976*10^-8, {k -> 0.310498, e -> 2.41152, A -> -0.12763, 
  B -> 0.796307}}*)

Note, this solution is differ from the hand made k=2,e=8 and also more precise. Visualization

p = {k, e} /. 
  solm[[2]]; Plot[{v[p[[1]], p[[2]]][x] /. sol, (A/x + B/x^2) /. 
   solm[[2]]}, {x, 200, 10000}, PlotStyle -> {Blue, Dashed}, 
 Frame -> True, PlotLegends -> {"NDSolve", "NMinimize"}]

Figure 1

Update 1. Let consider system of equations (6)-(7) from the paper Building an AdS/CFT superconductor. This system we transfer in to new one by introducing two functions $\Psi =u(y), \Phi =v(y)$ and mapping interval $(1,\infty)$ to $(0,1)$ with $y=1/r$, we have

sys={(2 u[y])/(1/y^2 - m y) + (v[y]^2 u[y])/(1/y^2 - m y)^2 + 
   2 y^3 Derivative[1][u][y] - 
   y^2 (2 y + (2/y + m y^2)/(1/y^2 - m y)) Derivative[1][u][y] + 
   y^4 (u^\[Prime]\[Prime])[y] == 
  0, -((2 v[y] u[y]^2)/(1/y^2 - m y)) + y^4 (v^\[Prime]\[Prime])[y] ==

Note, in this model the Hawking temperature of the black hole is $T=\frac{3 m^{1/3}}{4 \pi L^{4/3}}$, where $L=1$ is the AdS radius, and we put $m=1$ as well. Boundary conditions for this system we put as follows

bc1 = {v[y] == 0, u[y] == 3 y0 u'[y]/2} /. 
  y -> y0; bc0 = { v[y] == mu - y rho, u[y] == A y + B y^2} /. y -> 0;

We are looking for some solutions with $A=0$. To solve this problem numerically we introduce new boundary conditions with two parameters $p_1=v'(1),p_2=u(1)$, then we normalize $v/p_1,u/p_2$, finally we have parametric function in the form

eps = $MachineEpsilon; y0 = 1 - 10^-6; m = 1; 
sol[p1_, p2_] := 
 NDSolve[{(2 u[y])/(1/y^2 - m y) + (
     p1^2 v[y]^2 u[y])/(1/y^2 - m y)^2 + 2 y^3 Derivative[1][u][y] - 
     y^2 (2 y + (2/y + m y^2)/(1/y^2 - m y)) Derivative[1][u][y] + 
     y^4 (u^\[Prime]\[Prime])[y] == 
    0, -((2  p2^2 v[y] u[y]^2)/(1/y^2 - m y)) + 
     y^4 (v^\[Prime]\[Prime])[y] == 0, v[y0] == 0, v'[y0] == 1, 
   u[y0] == 1, u'[y0] == 2/3/y0}, {u, v}, {y, eps, y0}]

We can plot function u'[0.] to visualize region where $A=0$

Plot3D[u'[eps] /. sol[p1, p2][[1]], {p1, 0.1, 5}, {p2, 0.1, 5}, 
 ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", Mesh -> None, PlotRange -> All, 
 Boxed -> False, PlotTheme -> "Marketing", PlotPoints -> 50, 
 AxesLabel -> Automatic]

Figure 2

Using ContourPlot we can retrieve data with A=0(see this post)

plot=ContourPlot[(Evaluate[u'[eps] /. sol[p1, p2][[1]]]) == 0, {p1, 0.1, 
   5}, {p2, .1, 5}] // Quiet

points = plot // 
  Cases[#, GraphicsComplex[points_, ___] :> points, Infinity] &

Figure 3

Update 2. In a case of original system we have

sys = {f'[x] == g[x], 
  g'[x] == -2 g[x]/x + 2*(q^2)*k^2 *f[x]*v[x]^2/(x^2 - ((rh)^3)/x), 
  v'[x] == a[x], 
  a'[x] == -((2 x + ((rh)^3)/x^2)/(x^2 - ((rh)^3)/x))*a[x] - 
    2*a[x]/x - (q^2)*g0^2 (f[x]/(x^2 - ((rh)^3)/x))^2*
     v[x] + (m/(x^2 - (rh)^3/x))*v[x]}; bc2 = {f[rhb] == 0, 
  g[rhb] == 1, v[rhb] == 1, a[rhb] == ((m)/(3*rh))*(1)};

sol2[p1_, p2_] := 
 NDSolve[{sys, bc2} /. {q -> 2, m -> -2, rh -> 1, rhb -> 11/10, 
    k -> p1, g0 -> p2}, {f, g, v, a}, {x, 11/10, 10}]

s2 = sol2[1, 1][[1]]

We map this system on the unit interval with using y=1/x as follows

eq = {-y^2 Derivative[1][f][y] == 
    g[y], -y^2 Derivative[1][g][y] == -2 y g[y] + (
     2 q^2  k^2 f[y] v[y]^2)/(
     1/y^2 - rh^3 y), -y^2 Derivative[1][v][y] == 
    a[y], -y^2 Derivative[1][a][
      y] == -2 y a[y] - ((2/y + rh^3 y^2) a[y])/(1/y^2 - rh^3 y) + (
     m v[y])/(1/y^2 - rh^3 y) - (
     q^2 g0^2 f[y]^2 v[y])/(1/y^2 - rh^3 y)^2};
bc1 = {f[rhb] == 0, g[rhb] == 1, v[rhb] == 1, 
   a[rhb] == ((m)/(3*rh))*(1)};
par = {q -> 2, m -> -2, rh -> 1, rhb -> 10/11};

eps = $MachineEpsilon; 
sol[p1_, p2_] := 
 NDSolve[{eq, bc1} /. {q -> 2, m -> -2, rh -> 1, rhb -> 10/11, 
    k -> p1, g0 -> p2}, {f, g, v, a}, {y, eps, 10/11}]

s1 = sol[1, 1][[1]]

We can compare two numerical solutions in one point, for example, at p1=1,p2=1,x=1/y=3 and have got same results

{f[x], g[x], v[x], a[x]} /. s2 /. x -> 3

(*Out[]= {1.51741, 0.624487, 0.384472, -0.166605}*)

{f[x], g[x], v[x], a[x]} /. s1 /. x -> 1/3

(*Out[]= {1.51741, 0.624487, 0.384472, -0.166605}*)

Then we compute function v'[0.] to visualize region where A=0

ContourPlot[(Evaluate[v'[eps] /. sol[p1, p2][[1]]]) == 0, {p1, 0.01, 
   1.5}, {p2, .01, 1.5}] // Quiet

Figure 4

This picture shows chaotic behavior of the numerical solution.

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you very much for the answer. I think there is misunderstanding here. Does this code find A,B,k,e giving the best match between the (tail of the) solution and the function A/x+B/x^2, right? This is not exactly what I need. Maybe I can rephrase my problem as follows: I want to get A=0 from the fit of the solution. What parameters k,e should I put in the ODEs? $\endgroup$ Commented May 19, 2022 at 21:49
  • $\begingroup$ Have you any constraints for k, e? Are they real, rational or integer? How do you explain your choice k=2,e=8? $\endgroup$ Commented May 20, 2022 at 2:38
  • $\begingroup$ 1. It was not a choice, just found values for k,e that (almost) do the job. 2. No, they are not supposed to be integers; point is that in doing things by hand I started looking for integers. 3. k can be taken >0. However, I've simplified the problem by changing one initial condition, precisely the second one in the code (turned out this is ok for my purposes). Now there is only k to be determined. The choice of the updated initial condition suggests that the value of k I'm looking for lies near 7.94. I've edited my question, I hope it's clearer now. Thanks again for help. $\endgroup$ Commented May 20, 2022 at 14:34
  • $\begingroup$ Ok! I made quick research and found out, that $f=c_1/x+c_2/x^2+..., v=a_3/x^3+..., $ at $x\rightarrow \infty$. How did you get your asymptotic $v=A/x+B/x^2+...$? $\endgroup$ Commented May 20, 2022 at 17:31
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @GianluigiTartaglione Please, see Update 2 to my answer. $\endgroup$ Commented May 29, 2022 at 11:21

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