We can use NMinimize
to fit parameters as follows
rh = 1;
rhb = rh*(1 + 0.01);
q = 2;
m = -2;
mu = 31;
system = {f'[x] == g[x],
g'[x] == -2 g[x]/x + 2*(q^2)*f[x]*v[x]^2/(x^2 - ((rh)^3)/x),
v'[x] == a[x],
a'[x] == -((2 x + ((rh)^3)/x^2)/(x^2 - ((rh)^3)/x))*a[x] -
2*a[x]/x - (q^2)*(f[x]/(x^2 - ((rh)^3)/x))^2*
v[x] + (m/(x^2 - (rh)^3/x))*v[x],(*initial conditions below*)
f[rhb] == 0, g[rhb] == e, v[rhb] == k, a[rhb] == ((m)/(3*rh))*(k)};
sol = ParametricNDSolve[system, {f, v}, {x, rhb, 10000}, {k, e}];
solm =
Table[A/x + B/x^2 - Evaluate[v[k, e][x] /. sol] /. x -> i, {i,
200, 10000, 100}]], {k > 0, e > 0, A < 0, B > 0}}, {k, e, A, B}]
(*Out[]= {1.72976*10^-8, {k -> 0.310498, e -> 2.41152, A -> -0.12763,
B -> 0.796307}}*)
Note, this solution is differ from the hand made k=2,e=8
and also more precise. Visualization
p = {k, e} /.
solm[[2]]; Plot[{v[p[[1]], p[[2]]][x] /. sol, (A/x + B/x^2) /.
solm[[2]]}, {x, 200, 10000}, PlotStyle -> {Blue, Dashed},
Frame -> True, PlotLegends -> {"NDSolve", "NMinimize"}]
Update 1. Let consider system of equations (6)-(7) from the paper Building an AdS/CFT superconductor. This system we transfer in to new one by introducing two functions $\Psi =u(y), \Phi =v(y)$ and mapping interval $(1,\infty)$ to $(0,1)$ with $y=1/r$, we have
sys={(2 u[y])/(1/y^2 - m y) + (v[y]^2 u[y])/(1/y^2 - m y)^2 +
2 y^3 Derivative[1][u][y] -
y^2 (2 y + (2/y + m y^2)/(1/y^2 - m y)) Derivative[1][u][y] +
y^4 (u^\[Prime]\[Prime])[y] ==
0, -((2 v[y] u[y]^2)/(1/y^2 - m y)) + y^4 (v^\[Prime]\[Prime])[y] ==
Note, in this model the Hawking temperature of the black hole is $T=\frac{3 m^{1/3}}{4 \pi L^{4/3}}$, where $L=1$ is the AdS radius, and we put $m=1$ as well. Boundary conditions for this system we put as follows
bc1 = {v[y] == 0, u[y] == 3 y0 u'[y]/2} /.
y -> y0; bc0 = { v[y] == mu - y rho, u[y] == A y + B y^2} /. y -> 0;
We are looking for some solutions with $A=0$. To solve this problem numerically we introduce new boundary conditions with two parameters $p_1=v'(1),p_2=u(1)$, then we normalize $v/p_1,u/p_2$, finally we have parametric function in the form
eps = $MachineEpsilon; y0 = 1 - 10^-6; m = 1;
sol[p1_, p2_] :=
NDSolve[{(2 u[y])/(1/y^2 - m y) + (
p1^2 v[y]^2 u[y])/(1/y^2 - m y)^2 + 2 y^3 Derivative[1][u][y] -
y^2 (2 y + (2/y + m y^2)/(1/y^2 - m y)) Derivative[1][u][y] +
y^4 (u^\[Prime]\[Prime])[y] ==
0, -((2 p2^2 v[y] u[y]^2)/(1/y^2 - m y)) +
y^4 (v^\[Prime]\[Prime])[y] == 0, v[y0] == 0, v'[y0] == 1,
u[y0] == 1, u'[y0] == 2/3/y0}, {u, v}, {y, eps, y0}]
We can plot function u'[0.]
to visualize region where $A=0$
Plot3D[u'[eps] /. sol[p1, p2][[1]], {p1, 0.1, 5}, {p2, 0.1, 5},
ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", Mesh -> None, PlotRange -> All,
Boxed -> False, PlotTheme -> "Marketing", PlotPoints -> 50,
AxesLabel -> Automatic]
Using ContourPlot
we can retrieve data with A=0
(see this post)
plot=ContourPlot[(Evaluate[u'[eps] /. sol[p1, p2][[1]]]) == 0, {p1, 0.1,
5}, {p2, .1, 5}] // Quiet
points = plot //
Cases[#, GraphicsComplex[points_, ___] :> points, Infinity] &
Update 2. In a case of original system we have
sys = {f'[x] == g[x],
g'[x] == -2 g[x]/x + 2*(q^2)*k^2 *f[x]*v[x]^2/(x^2 - ((rh)^3)/x),
v'[x] == a[x],
a'[x] == -((2 x + ((rh)^3)/x^2)/(x^2 - ((rh)^3)/x))*a[x] -
2*a[x]/x - (q^2)*g0^2 (f[x]/(x^2 - ((rh)^3)/x))^2*
v[x] + (m/(x^2 - (rh)^3/x))*v[x]}; bc2 = {f[rhb] == 0,
g[rhb] == 1, v[rhb] == 1, a[rhb] == ((m)/(3*rh))*(1)};
sol2[p1_, p2_] :=
NDSolve[{sys, bc2} /. {q -> 2, m -> -2, rh -> 1, rhb -> 11/10,
k -> p1, g0 -> p2}, {f, g, v, a}, {x, 11/10, 10}]
s2 = sol2[1, 1][[1]]
We map this system on the unit interval with using y=1/x
as follows
eq = {-y^2 Derivative[1][f][y] ==
g[y], -y^2 Derivative[1][g][y] == -2 y g[y] + (
2 q^2 k^2 f[y] v[y]^2)/(
1/y^2 - rh^3 y), -y^2 Derivative[1][v][y] ==
a[y], -y^2 Derivative[1][a][
y] == -2 y a[y] - ((2/y + rh^3 y^2) a[y])/(1/y^2 - rh^3 y) + (
m v[y])/(1/y^2 - rh^3 y) - (
q^2 g0^2 f[y]^2 v[y])/(1/y^2 - rh^3 y)^2};
bc1 = {f[rhb] == 0, g[rhb] == 1, v[rhb] == 1,
a[rhb] == ((m)/(3*rh))*(1)};
par = {q -> 2, m -> -2, rh -> 1, rhb -> 10/11};
eps = $MachineEpsilon;
sol[p1_, p2_] :=
NDSolve[{eq, bc1} /. {q -> 2, m -> -2, rh -> 1, rhb -> 10/11,
k -> p1, g0 -> p2}, {f, g, v, a}, {y, eps, 10/11}]
s1 = sol[1, 1][[1]]
We can compare two numerical solutions in one point, for example, at p1=1,p2=1,x=1/y=3
and have got same results
{f[x], g[x], v[x], a[x]} /. s2 /. x -> 3
(*Out[]= {1.51741, 0.624487, 0.384472, -0.166605}*)
{f[x], g[x], v[x], a[x]} /. s1 /. x -> 1/3
(*Out[]= {1.51741, 0.624487, 0.384472, -0.166605}*)
Then we compute function v'[0.]
to visualize region where A=0
ContourPlot[(Evaluate[v'[eps] /. sol[p1, p2][[1]]]) == 0, {p1, 0.01,
1.5}, {p2, .01, 1.5}] // Quiet
This picture shows chaotic behavior of the numerical solution.
myA[k_] := A /. nlmscalar[k]["BestFitParameters"]
, and then minimizeNMinimize[ Abs[myA[k]],k]
but the last step doesn't work. $\endgroup$