Could anyone please help in writing the code for the following diagram in Mathematica?
Note: I want a simple code in Mathematica without using an external package.
Use MaTeX?
MaTeX["\\feynmandiagram[horizontal=a to b] {i1--[anti fermion]
a--[anti fermion] i2,a--[photon] b};", Magnification -> 2]
Note that this needs lualatex and not pdflatex, which is the default used by MaTeX
. I do not know how to tell MaTeX
to use lualatex instead of pdflatex as the default compiler, so I cheated a little. You need to do the following before issuing the above command.
ConfigureMaTeX["pdfLaTeX" ->"C:\\Users\\Owner\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\MiKTeX\\miktex\\bin\\x64\\lualatex.exe"];
SetOptions[MaTeX, "Preamble" -> {"\\usepackage{tikz}\\usepackage{tikz-feynman}"}]
And now you can issue the command.
There is also FeynCalc
which is is a Mathematica package for symbolic evaluation of Feynman diagrams but I never used it myself and do not have it installed. You could look at it.
There is also old FeynArts this paper describes the Mathematica package FeynArts used for the generation and visualization of Feynman diagrams
Note: I want a simple code in Mathematica without using an external package.
The above was added later. Here is a quick plot using standard Mathematica Graphics. Feel free to adjust as needed
Graphics[{First@Plot[1/2 Sin[3*x], {x, 0, 3*Pi}, PlotStyle -> Black],
{Arrowheads[{0, 0, 0.05, 0}], Arrow[{{0, 0}, {-2, 2}}]},
{Arrowheads[{0, 0, 0.05, 0}], Arrow[{{-2, -2}, {0, 0}}]}}]
Also could you please label say a, b, c all of the three lines
One option is to use Text
and adjust the location as needed.
Plot[1/2 Sin[3*x], {x, 0, 3*Pi},
PlotStyle -> Black], {Arrowheads[{0, 0, 0.05, 0}],
Arrow[{{0, 0}, {-2, 2}}]}, {Arrowheads[{0, 0, 0.05, 0}],
Arrow[{{-2, -2}, {0, 0}}]},
Text[Style["a", Red, 16], {-1.5, -1.8}],
Text[Style["b", Red, 16], {-1.5, 1.9}],
Text[Style["c", Red, 16], {3, .8}]
The arrows can be drawn using "Arrow" and for the wiggly line we use a Bezier curve.
For the Bezier curve some control points are needed. We choose control points at a distance of +/-0.5 above/below the y and 0.5 spaced along the x axis:
dx = 0.3;
dy = 0.5;
n = 7;
ctrl = Table[{i dx, Mod[i, 3, -1] dy}, {i, n}]
With this we can now draw the diagram:
, Arrowheads[0.1], Arrow[{{-1, -1}, {0, 0}}, 0.5],
Line[{{-1, -1}, {0, 0}}]
, Arrow[{{0, 0}, {-1, 1}}, 0.5], Line[{{-1, 1}, {0, 0}}]
, BezierCurve[Join[{{0, 0}}, ctrl, {{++n dx, 0}}]]
Here is a part of my package for performing calculations with Feynman diagrams:
1.1 Define a set of Feynman diagrams
Clear[f, G, V]
f[0, 1][a_, b_, c_, d_] =
diag[g[a, i[1]], g[b, i[2]], g[i[1], c], g[i[2], d], v[i[1], i[2]]]
f[0, 2][a_, b_, c_, d_] =
diag[g[a, i[1]], g[b, i[2]], g[i[1], d], g[i[2], c], v[i[1], i[2]]]
1.2 Define a plotting function
pic[diag[x__]] := Module[{i, j, k},
Graph[List[x] /. {g[i_, j_] -> DirectedEdge[j, i],
v[j_, k_] -> UndirectedEdge[j, k]},
VertexLabels -> "Name",
PlotTheme -> "Business",
ImageSize -> 300, ImagePadding -> 10,
VertexLabelStyle -> Directive[Black, 11],
GraphHighlight ->
Cases[List[x], v[i_, j_] -> UndirectedEdge[i, j]]]]
1.3 Depict 2 two-particle Green's functions to the first order in the Coulomb interaction
pic /@ {f[0, 1][a, b, c, d], f[0, 2][a, b, c, d]}
Let us do a bit more complicated stuff. We re-sum two-particle diagrams in the $T$-matrix (particle-particle channel) fashion
2.1 Define functions for contracting diagrams
vlist[diag[x__]] := Union[Flatten[Apply[List, List[x], 1]]]
contract[x__, vC_] := Module[{dlist, vtab, vE, vI, dj, rules, ka},
dlist = List[x];
(* replace contracted indices *)
rules = Table[vC[[j]] -> i[0, j], {j, Length[vC]}];
dlist = dlist /. rules;
(* rename internals *)
dlist = Table[dj = dlist[[j]];
rules = Flatten[Cases[vlist[dj], i[ka_] -> {i[ka] -> i[j, ka]}]];
dj /. rules, {j, Length[dlist]}];
(*Combine diagrams together*)
dlist = Apply[diag, Flatten[List @@@ dlist]];
(* Rename internals*)
vI = Cases[vlist[dlist], i[__]];
dlist /. Rule @@@ Transpose[{vI, i /@ Ordering[vI]}]
2.2 Define $T$-matrix diagrams
f[1, 2][a_, b_, c_, d_] =
contract[f[0, 1][p, q, c, d], V[p, q], G[a, p], G[b, q], {p, q}];
f[2, 2][a_, b_, c_, d_] =
contract[f[1, 2][p, q, c, d], V[p, q], G[a, p], G[b, q], {p, q}];
f[3, 2][a_, b_, c_, d_] =
contract[f[2, 2][p, q, c, d], V[p, q], G[a, p], G[b, q], {p, q}];
2.3 and plot the result
f[3, 2][a, b, c, d] // pic
? $\endgroup$