Looks like a little three-species food web model -- a perfect excuse to use my new EcoEvo package.
First, install the package (one-time only):
Then load the package and set the model for analysis with SetModel
<< EcoEvo`
Pop[x] -> {Equation :> x[t] (1 - x[t]) - k1 x[t] y[t]},
Pop[y] -> {Equation :> e y[t] (1 - y[t]) + k2 x[t] y[t] - k3 y[t] z[t]},
Pop[z] -> {Equation :> -k4 z[t] + e k3 y[t] z[t]}
Set the parameters, then solve for the equilibria:
k4 = 0.1; k1 = 0.02; k2 = 0.1; k3 = 1.2;
eq = SolveEcoEq[]
Now you can plot the parts of the final, coexistence equilibrium vs e
Plot[x /. eq[[-1]], {e, 0, 4}, PlotRange -> {0, All}]
Plot[z /. eq[[-1]], {e, 0, 4}, PlotRange -> {0, All}]
Just for fun, you can simulate the model with EcoSim
e = 1;
sol = EcoSim[{x -> 1, y -> 1, z -> 0.1}, 100];