
(Please see the edit part for the real problem)

I have two expressions which are same but written in different ways.

expr1 = ConditionalExpression[Plus[1, Times[-1, x]], 
  Inequality[0, LessEqual, x, LessEqual, Rational[1, 2]]]

enter image description here

expr2 = ConditionalExpression[Plus[1, Times[-1, x]], 
  LessEqual[0, x, Rational[1, 2]]]

enter image description here

Now if I use Equal function:

expr1 == expr2

enter image description here

It returns True together with domains combining of the two functions. However, I want it to return True only (no domain) if the functions are same and domains are same as well. How can I do that?
SameQ doesn't work here as they are same mathematically but the underlying representations are different.

EDIT: Basically I have a list like this.

list = {ConditionalExpression[Plus[1, Times[-1, x]], 
   Inequality[0, LessEqual, x, LessEqual, Rational[1, 2]]], 
  ConditionalExpression[Plus[1, Times[-1, x]], LessEqual[1, x, 2]], 
  ConditionalExpression[Plus[1, Times[-1, x]], 
   LessEqual[0, x, Rational[1, 2]]]}

enter image description here

I want to return the position of elements in the list that same as reffunc as follows:

reffunc = 
  ConditionalExpression[Plus[1, Times[-1, x]], 
   LessEqual[0, x, Rational[1, 2]]];
Position[list, reffunc]

I expected the positions of the first and third are returned but only the third is returned.

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Simplify[expr1 == expr2, 0 <= x <= 1/2]? That simply returns True. If that's not what you want, though, then I am not sure that I understand what you would like to happen. $\endgroup$
    – MarcoB
    Commented Apr 12, 2022 at 13:11
  • $\begingroup$ @MarcoB yes, kind of work for that example when they have the same domain that would need me to separate the function expression and domains. For example I have two functions defined with conditional expression (or include domains). Now I want to make a function returns True if they're same. Like above, you see that expr1 and expr2 are mathematically same but using SameQ doesn't work as their representations are different. $\endgroup$
    – hana
    Commented Apr 12, 2022 at 13:17
  • $\begingroup$ You can remove the domain by simply taking only the first part of the answer: (expr1 == expr2)[[1]] $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 12, 2022 at 13:21
  • $\begingroup$ Let me update my question to make it more clear. $\endgroup$
    – hana
    Commented Apr 12, 2022 at 13:24

2 Answers 2

list = {ConditionalExpression[Plus[1, Times[-1, x]], 
    Inequality[0, LessEqual, x, LessEqual, Rational[1, 2]]], 
   ConditionalExpression[Plus[1, Times[-1, x]], LessEqual[1, x, 2]], 
   ConditionalExpression[Plus[1, Times[-1, x]], 
    LessEqual[0, x, Rational[1, 2]]]};

reffunc = 
  ConditionalExpression[Plus[1, Times[-1, x]], 
   LessEqual[0, x, Rational[1, 2]]];

pos = Assuming[reffunc[[-1]], Position[list // Simplify, reffunc[[1]]]]

(* {{1}, {3}} *)

You can use the RegionMeasure of the ImplicitRegion of the domains to test if they are equal.

conditionalExprMatch[expr1_ConditionalExpression, expr2_ConditionalExpression] :=
   res = expr1 == expr2
   , vars = Variables[First /@ {expr1, expr2}]
  , If[First@res 
    && RegionMeasure@
       And @@ MapAt[Not, Map[Last, {expr1, expr2}] , -1]
       , vars
       ] == 0
   , First@res
   , res
   , res


  expr1 = 
   ConditionalExpression[Plus[1, Times[-1, x]], 
    Inequality[0, LessEqual, x, LessEqual, Rational[1, 2]]]
  , expr2 = 
   ConditionalExpression[Plus[1, Times[-1, x]], 
    LessEqual[0, x, Rational[1, 2]]]
  , expr3 = 
   ConditionalExpression[Plus[1, Times[-1, x]], 
    LessEqual[0, x, Rational[1, 3]]]
  , expr4 = 
   ConditionalExpression[Plus[y, Times[-1, x]], 
    Inequality[0, LessEqual, x, LessEqual, Rational[1, 2]]]
  , expr5 = 
   ConditionalExpression[Plus[y, Times[-1, x]], 
    LessEqual[0, x, Rational[1, 2]]]
  } // Multicolumn

Mathematica graphics


conditionalExprMatch[expr1, expr2]
conditionalExprMatch[expr2, expr3]

enter image description here

conditionalExprMatch[expr3, expr4]

enter image description here

conditionalExprMatch[expr4, expr5]

Hope this helps.


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