How can I output all zero-point data by graphing?
f[x_] := Hypergeometric1F1[
1 + (-2 (2 - 2 Sqrt[2 x]) - 4 Sqrt[2 x])/(4 Sqrt[2 (-x)]), 2,
10 Sqrt[2 (-x)] ];
Plot[Re[f[x]], {x, 0, 10}]
For example, in Hypergeometric1F1 above, by means of graphing we can check the correctness of the number of zeros found.
A preliminary test was performed by finding roots using a Chebyshev interpolation approximation function proposed by @Michael E2 (Roots of Whittaker W function), but still some roots were found to be missing by means of image comparison.
The following roots are solved using this method in the range 0 to 10:
{1.0532206155051356002759022212, 2.3823251868867552411190096851,
4.1175783163878905360582608336, 6.2547713021241303166777811106,
We can see by the image that there is obviously another root between 3.9 and 4, and similar situation exists in other positions. Is there any good way to solve this problem? Or is there a way to output the information about the zero point through the image?
f[x_] = Hypergeometric1F1[ 1 + (-2 (2 - 2 Sqrt[2 x]) - 4 Sqrt[2 x])/(4 Sqrt[2 (-x)]), 2, 10 Sqrt[2 (-x)]]; Plot[Re[f[x]], {x, 0, 10}, Mesh -> {{0}}, MeshFunctions -> {#2 &}, MeshStyle -> Red, Method -> {"AxesInFront" -> False}]